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Edward "Enzo" Minerva

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Edward "Enzo" Minerva Empty Edward "Enzo" Minerva

Post by Gerhal Tue Jul 21, 2009 9:56 pm

IRC Nickname: Gerhal
Alternate IRC Nickname(s): Crow

Character Name: Edward Harlon Minerva (a.k.a. Enzo, or Enzo the Fisherman)
Original Dimension: Shadowrun circa 2070, Documented as Earth #471

Race: Human
Age: 38
Sex: Male
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 210
Likes: Transhumanism, reading, atheletics, parkour, socializing, salad, fish, wine, classical music.
Dislikes: Luddites, sluggabeds, bureaucracy, junk food, losing his meds.

Physical Description (Or picture): At rest, Ezno is bald human male of greek complexion, with a roman face and an aquiline nose. If grown out, his hair is curly and brown like his eyes. These features can change drastically when a signal drug is administered to his bloodstream.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Enzo is a mundane human, but he possesses a number of cyberware, bioware, and nanoware enhancements. Since he is an infiltration expert, a vast majority of his augmentations are discreet. Bioware is composed of synthetic vat-grown flesh that is typically undetectable without invasive biopsy, specialized enzyme screens, heavy medical scanners, or magic. The cyberware on the other hand can be detected by more conventional scanning equipment, but they are so pervasive in the culture of Earth #471 they actually help him blend in.

Skillwires - Activsofts are programs that encompass physical skills like driving a car, firing a rocket, or ballroom dancing. If an activsoft exists for a skill, this allows the user to use that software as a replacement for their own skill, or lack thereof. Activsofts are extremely complex, and so only 1 or 2 skills can be loaded simultaneously.
Skillwire Expert System - Improves the performance of skillwires regardless of the quality of the activesoft

Vision Enhancement - Improves the user's general ability to see and interpret sight.
Thermographic Vision
Low Light Vision
Flare Compensation - Protects against flare.
Retinal Duplication - Can duplicate the retinas of another individual
Protective Covers - Retractable covers to protect the eyes from hazardous materials
Vision Magnification - Built in electronic magnification
Microscopic Vision - If the viewer and subject are sufficiently still, this allows the eye to capture microscopic images.

Audio Enhancement - Improves the user's general ability to sense and interpret sound.
Damper - Protects against overly loud noises
Increased Sensitivity - Allows for hearing sounds outside the typical human spectrum
Select Sound Filter - Allows for the realtime filtering of multiple sound sources at once. (Hearing 4 conversations amidst a football game for instance)
Spatial Recognizer - Helps pinpoint the origin of sounds

Voice Modulator - Provides a wider range of vocal expression in terms of volume, pitch, etc... I.E. it is a digital voicebox. Combined with a linguasoft, it allows him to speak any language provided such a linguasoft exists.
Secondary Pattern - Allows the user to impersonate voices of other persons with sufficient sample data.

Datajack - Provides a DNI (Digital neural interface), firewall, optical cables, router, and wireless signal.
Commlink - Internal computer. This also allows for the user to use knowsofts, which represent academic knowledge. This knowledge is more accessible than a mere reference book like a dictionary. The subject would literally /know/ the meaning of a given word and be able to use it. However the commlink can only run so many applications or knowsofts at a given time.
Hot Sim Module - Allows for high intensity, better than life feedback for superior VR.

False Front - Complex dermal, muscular, and skeletal modification that allows the user to change their face, skin, and other body traits.
Mimic Option - Allows the false front to selectively mimic a specific body as specified by a tailored signal drug.
Muscle Toner - Enhanced agility
Muscle Augmentation - Enhanced strength comparable to a troll
Bone Density Enhancement - Stronger bones to help compensate for muscle augmentation, and reduce risk of injury.
Synthacardium - Synthetic heart and cardiovascular system vastly improve atheletic performance.
Platelet Factories - Mitigates damage from severe bleeding
Trauma Damper - Mitigates stun damage, and reduces physical trauma
Pain Editor - Allows user to ignore pain, and non-lethal dmg modifiers
Synaptic Booster - Increases reflexes and initiative

Dynamic Handprints - Replicate fingerprints
Biomonitor - Monitor vital signs

Weapons and Gear:

As an infiltration expert, and ex-corp samurai Enzo utilizes a wide variety of gear for a given operation. His weapons include smartlinked firearms with modular ammo, monofilament edged blades, and shock based weaponry. His armor tends to be covert, and includes a thermally insulated, ruthenium polymer, chameleon suit. Due to the nature of infiltration and social submersion, disguises and other aids must often be custom fabricated, improvised, or procured on-site.


The cybertechnology of Earth #471 is advanced by some standards, and primitive by others. Their biotechnicians have not mastered the art of merging synthetics with metahumans without comprimising their physical and metaphysical integrity. Enzo is so heavily modified that he must take medicine periodically to prevent his immune system from reacting to his altered physiology. After one week without medication, he is at risk of non-life threatening fevers and aches. This in turn could leave him susceptable to other diseases in the environment that might normally be trivial or benign.

Furthermore the impact on his astral wellbeing has left him rather rather little essence, which makes it more difficult for certain health related magics (both positive and negative) to affect him. On the astral plane his spirit will appear significantly dimmer than the average human. It also leaves him susceptable to essence drain. On the other hand, most essence draining creatures might not register him as a good energy source to begin with.

Finally, it is possible for his internal computer, cybereyes, or cyberears to be hacked and comprimised if the enemy can establish physical contact, or if they can catch him while he's connected to a system. It is also possible for his hot-sim module to be triggered, thus allowing for possibly lethal biofeedback through his DNI. However most of the electronics from Earth #471 are optically based, and highly resistant to EMPs.

Background (Please keep this semi-short):

Enzo was originally an employee of Shaiwase, one of the Big Ten megacorporations that effectively rule Earth #471. Born and raised in Seattle, UCAS, he enjoyed dual national and corporate citizenship. After he graduated with a degree in sociology, he was drafted into the MFID, or Market Forecasting and Information Division of Shaiwase. This is simply another name for Shaiwase's central organ of intelligence and counter-intelligence. As a spy, Enzo was trained in a variety of social, and technical skills necessary to infiltrate and hide in plain sight. Some of his bio-modifications were specified by the MFID, but others were personally requested because of his passion for Transhumanism. As a mature agent, Enzo's training eventually expanded to include programs offered to corporate samurai.

Enzo was transported to Dimension 010 due to an unexpected metaplanar quest. While infiltrating a cell that was suspected of insect shaman, a free insect queen invoked her gateway power in order to evade death or capture at the hands of MFID hermetic mages. His team was unsuccessful in slaying the queen before the Keeper at the Threshold appeared, and sent each of the survivors on their way. At the completion of his quest... he never made it home. Instead he found himself awakened in a facility owned by the Shangri-La University of Thaumaturgical Studies.

Some time later Enzo found gainful employment with the Imaginos...


Posts : 3
Join date : 2009-07-21

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