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Dr. Timothy "Ty" Bennett

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Dr. Timothy "Ty" Bennett Empty Dr. Timothy "Ty" Bennett

Post by Lucian Sat Jul 25, 2009 6:32 pm

IRC Nickname: Lucian

Character Name: Dr. Timothy "Ty" Bennett
Original Dimension: TOR - Dimension 010

Race: Human
Age: 21
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 195 lbs
Likes: Baseball, Science, Studying, Peace, calm, quiet, relaxing music, saunas, hot tubs, chamomille tea, Aura
Dislikes: Chaos, randomness, disorganization, loud noises, especially if caused by Aura

Physical Description (Or picture):
Ty is a young man in his early 20s. He has short-cropped red hair, bright blue eyes, and a light, slightly freckled complexion. Despite his time in the lab, he still takes care of himself, and has a decent build. He usually wears a labcoat over his uniform, or simple, casual attire. His lab coat features one single yellow smiley button, "forced" on him by Aura. When around Aura, he often has a harried expression.

- Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Mechanics
- Bureaucracy: As Aura's lab assistant, he frequently gets to file the paperwork. He can schedule projects and coordinate between various teams, making him a great organizer--something sorely lacking in Aura's skillset.
- Marksmanship: Despite his duties as a lab assistant, Ty has had full training on most ISF-issued firearms.
- Baseball: The (second) love of Ty's life, he was a baseball player throughout highschool and university.

Powers and Special Abilities:
- Intelligence: While not a metahuman, Ty has genius-level intelligence.

Weapons and Gear:
- Nothing particular, standard ISF gear

- Not applicable. He might develop ulcers at a later date.

Life was good for Ty Bennett. He was the saludatorian of his graduating class at Armstrong Institute of Technology; one of the brightest minds of the Commonwealth of Great Gaia. He was offered a career in the Imaginos Space Force's division of Research and Development. Excited for the opportunity, he jumped right aboard... and is teetering between regretting it and loving it. He was assigned to be the lab assistant of one Dr. Aura Voralis, another prodigious scientist. On the up side, she's widely considered one of the most brilliant scientists in the System Alliance. On the downside, she's a complete and utter spacecase: she's extremely clumsy, horribly disorganized, and somewhat airheaded.

For a guy that's a fan of organization, peace, and calm, it's anything but a boring, peaceful day.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-07-11
Age : 50
Location : In The Mountains

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