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"Reverend" Rhev

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"Reverend" Rhev Empty "Reverend" Rhev

Post by Nyx Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:05 pm

IRC Nickname: Moonset, Set, Kay-Away

Character Name: "Reverend" Rhev
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Metahuman
Age: 26
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 133lbs
Likes: Alcohol, smoking, religious discussions, a job done right, a good read, gadgets, guns, organization
Dislikes: Zealots, being called out, sloppy or halfhearted jobs, getting a sunburn

Physical Description (Or picture): Rhev is tall and lithe, wiry yet somewhat supple, indicative of a life without much heavy manual labor. Her hair is naturally white-blonde, cut into a short, asymmetrical bob that reaches to her neck at its longest points. Her pale skin is just a shade too dark for her to be an albino in spite of her hair color and startling, bright cerulean eyes. Usually seen wearing a crucifix or rosary when in public and carrying an old leather-bound Bible. She has a few visible piercings: labret, monroe, bridge of her nose, earlobes and cartilage.


Powers and Special Abilities:

Metahuman -- Though Rhev downplays it, she has a second sight which periodically allows her to sense danger.

Light Footsteps -- Able to tread nigh-silently over most terrain, excluding the obvious such as a bed of dry leaves, etc.

Lockpicking -- Capable of picking a variety of locks, providing she has her tools. Without her tools she may be able to improvise with what she has on hand.

Shadowstep -- Rhev is able to walk through shadows, appearing behind a target, or simply appearing in another place. Naturally this requires shadows in order to work and is most successful in dark areas.

Ordained Minister -- Though her religious act may seem like a gimmick, Rhev actually is an ordained minister in the Christian faith (Baptist denomination, specifically) capable of performing legally binding marriages, baptisms, and funeral services.

Charming -- The reverend is quite charismatic and personable, possessing a quick wit and seeming to know exactly what to say and when to say it.

Weapons and Gear:

Kevlar padding hidden in her clothing or just a standard Kevlar vest, depending on the clothes.
M1911 pistol concealed in a shoulder holster.
Butterfly knife.
Stiletto, concealed in a sheath on her thigh.
Lockpicking tools.


Greed -- While not as extreme as some of her kind, she'd still be sorely tempted to sell off a friend for the right price.

Borderline Xenophobic

Trust Issues -- It's extremely hard and unlikely for her to trust another; however, when someone manages to earn her trust, she will trust them completely and unquestioningly, which is undoubtedly just as unhealthy.

Physically, she's fairly weak. Her skills with her butterfly knife and stiletto are primarily focused on getting the drop on her target and therefore, in an honest fight she's easily overwhelmed/overpowered.

Background: Formerly a preacher at Jenever, Io, she began running her first smuggling job out of a small church she established at the outpost. She eventually had to abandon the church, taking her sermons street-side while she worked a local smuggling ring. Now she's moved onto greener pastures at Imaginos, even taking contracts directly from Imaginos on occasion. Of course, she'll still give a friendly sidewalk sermon now and again. A girl has to have hobbies.

Last edited by Nyx on Thu Jul 23, 2009 11:17 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Added picture!)

Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-07-16
Age : 38

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