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Yui Amano (Head Director of Research and Development on Imaginos)

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Yui Amano (Head Director of Research and Development on Imaginos) Empty Yui Amano (Head Director of Research and Development on Imaginos)

Post by huangable Fri Jul 17, 2009 1:03 am

IRC Nickname: Space-Bird

Character Name: Yui Amano
Original Dimension: TORverse

Race: Extraplanar Devil
Age: Unknown
Sex: Female
Height: 5'11
Weight: 110
Likes: Technology's dominion over nature
Dislikes: Most things

Physical Description (Or picture): Will Add

Powers and Special Abilities:
Being a Devil, her physical form is not bound to the same rules as the mortals of the earthly realm. She is either immortal, or has an extremely long lifespan, superhuman strength, and a demonically perceptive mind. She is able to summon 'devil power' a kind of dark energy that allows her to cause massive damage, though it should be noted that she hasn't fought in hundreds of years.

Weapons and Gear:

Poor people skills
Inability to articulate thoughts
prone to antisocial behavior
Holy and Anti-devil wards (though, she's very resilient)

Background: Yui started life in the mortal realm as a human with an inhuman soul. Prone to violence and brash behavior, she was nothing more than a street punk looking to cause trouble. A series of extreme events lead Yui to join the Axel Field and H.K Hakenkreuz as a member of the secret organization 'The Illuminati'. By this time she had become adept in many fields of science and mathematics; she then developed Avatar technology, her crowning achievement. In the aftermath of the 1st Dimensional War, Yui was captured by the Sovereignty and locked away in a pocket dimension to rot for all eternity. She was freed several hundred years later by Axel Field and the Crew of the Warchief II. Driven mad from solitude it took several years for Yui to readjust to human society. Recently, she rebuilt the wreckage of the Astolpho, creating the Astolpho II, the new crown jewel in the Imaginos fleet. She currently works on the Imaginos, primarily behind the scenes as Head of R & D.

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-07-11

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