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Information about the hunter Religion, as collected by De Sombra, notes added by Jim Foster.

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Information about the hunter Religion, as collected by De Sombra, notes added by Jim Foster. Empty Information about the hunter Religion, as collected by De Sombra, notes added by Jim Foster.

Post by Magnus Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:58 pm

Regular text as follows is De Sombra's research, my commentary will be found in parenthesis.

The Hunters are the religious arm of the Temple of Order. The Temple worships three gods, who according to their dogma were gods incarnate millenia ago, two terrans and one 'angel'. They lead the races of the galaxy on a crusade against evil and united the species into the Republic

These gods, the Lord, Lady and Sage, had their names lost to history in the centuries after the Republic fell to a civil war, a war that also destroyed the near mythical Sol system.

(I strongly recommend we avoid mention of our own origins in or around the Sol system, for while Earth of dimension 010 is not their earth, we may be forced to answer some really difficult questions)

The Temple preaches that good works, duty to others, and resistance against the darker powers in the galaxy will one day cause the Gods to deem the world worth saving again and incarnate to unify the galaxy once more.
The Hunters believe they are the front line soldiers of this crusade, warrior-monks destined to usher in the new era once their works appease the gods.

The Temple believes this will be the third such unification when it occurs. The Second was the rise of the Republic, and the First was the empire of the Progenitors.

With the Hunters actively stamping out heretical cults of 'demon worship' when found and enforcing the Temple's laws, it is believed the Third unification will be the one that lasts 'until the end of time itself'.

(This could either go well in our favor as we're going up against a demonhost, or massively explode in our face, if they decide we're sheltering demons or are involved in some kind of heretical cult ourselves. I think it would be most wise to avoid religious discussions of our own beliefs if we can possibly avoid it.)

The Gods themselves break down as follows. The 'Lord', sometimes refered to as Lord Maxwell, the only incarnate to have any sort of name whatsoever, represents wise rule, care for the people and destiny itself.

The Lady, the being referenced as a literal angel in life, is the Goddess of the elements themselves, the very building blocks of the universe, life and, in addition, is the deity of war in the pantheon.

(Set refers often to the lady in terms of oaths, this may be a sign of her personal alignment with war and the like, given her recent actions.)

The Sage is the patron of knowledge, discovery and exploration. Taming the wilds and making them ordered. There is a vague mention of him being the favored deity of mentalists and psionicists.

There is also a footnote, probably something best -not- mentioned around the Hunters, but found in De Sombra's research. There was a fourth deity, one that's name has been utterly stricken from history, though a few Temple scholars -and- writings of other religions mention something called 'The Betrayer' as being involved in the Republic's fall.

(Keep an eye out for information on the Betrayer. You never know when something like this might come into play, based on what's already been afoot in this dimension. Obviously don't be blatant about looking for info on this, but it might have something to do with the peculiar mishmash and sandwiching of dimensions here.)


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Join date : 2009-07-16

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