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De Sombra/Nicolás Medina

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De Sombra/Nicolás Medina Empty De Sombra/Nicolás Medina

Post by Dulkor Tue Dec 15, 2009 4:21 pm

IRC Nickname: Dulkor

Character Name: De Sombra
Original Dimension: 010 -TOR

Race: Callistan/Deathblessed
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 176 lbs
Likes: Music, dancing, gardening, his job
Dislikes: Being disturbed while gardening, rude people

Physical Description (Or picture):
De Sombra is a tall, thin man, with slightly lanky limbs and shoulder length, slicked back black hair. He dresses with utter professionalism, usually a well tailored suit or an SAPC uniform, altered to include the Saturnus Coalition emblem on the right shoulder. He's clean shaven, and while handsome, generally unremarkable in appearance, except for the nearly white, ice-blue eyes usually hidden behind more 'average' contact lenses.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Saturnus Coalition Training - De Sombra is proficient in the use of standard firearms and CQC techniques, in addition to all commonly used pieces of field gear.

Covert Operations - De Sombra is a trained spy, with experience in infiltration, information gathering, disguise, assassination techniques and use of toxins. He is also a proficient knife fighter.

Calculator's Gift - De Sombra's enhanced mind is well suited to strategy, and even prediction of potential situational outcomes. When given accurate intel, he can usually be relied on to select the most likely oppositional response and an appropriate method of countering.

Horticulturalist - De Sombra has experience tending and raising a wide variety of plants, even experimenting with cross-breeding and genetic alteration on occassion. Several of these plants serve as a relatively innocuous source for toxic compounds.

Weapons and Gear:
Standard ISF Irregulars Armament

Bleeder - Like most Deathblessed, De Sombra's body has difficulty dealing with injury. Even minor injuries can potentially result in fatal blood loss if not treated rapidly.

Distant - While not as aloof as other Deathblessed the Irregulars have encountered, De Sombra lacks a small degree of empathy, leading to occassional frustrations and inter-personal conflict.

Mixed Loyalty - De Sombra is loyal to the Coalition and their goals of the greater good of the Alliance above any other concern. If the team must be sacrificed for what he feels is the greater good of the Alliance...


A descendant of Callistan traders killed in the Hershcel Genocide, De Sombra is a child of two cultures. A devoted Pather and member of Bible Black's Noontide Demons in life, De Sombra sacrificed himself in the course of an operation and so doing earned a place within the Grand Queue. Revived as a Calculator, De Sombra entered intelligence work, an extention of his expertise in life.

After working with the Irregulars on a recent operation, and given recent political shifts, the Calculator has been moved by his superiors onto the Astolpho II as a full time observer and member of the crew.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-28

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