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James Foster

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James Foster Empty James Foster

Post by Magnus Thu Jul 16, 2009 6:59 pm

Character Name: Major James Mckenzie Foster
DJ port!
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 220 pounds
Likes: Girls, giant robots, burning passion, manly man stuff. Anime. Videogames. Cooking.
Dislikes: Rejection, catgirls. Potatoes.

Physical Description (Or picture): A powerfully built man in his late 20s, with brown hair, brown eyes, and glasses. He is a bulky caucasian male, and gray hair is now quite thoroughly streaking through his crew cut, at the temples and edges but also swathes of the rest. He now has scarring on both his left and right cheeks, below his eyes. He will most often be seen wearing his combat armor while deployed on missions, so this pic is the most appropriate

This is jim in flight suit.
Jim side angle in clothes he'll likely never wear, but totally looks like him:

Powers and Special Abilities:

No real special abilities or powers unless a fairly high level of mechanical skill and improvisation can be called a skill. His primary special ability in a robot is the ability to make a basically destroyed/disabled robot get up, and continue fighting at more or less full function. This is based entirely on his sheer willpower, mechanical skill, and general pissiness.

He's a fairly decent cook, an amateur practictioner of kung fu and kenpo, and has advanced military training in small arms and tactics. Jim is now undergoing intensive close quarters combat training in several Martial arts styles. He's also an experienced soldier, by this point, and a bona-fide ace pilot in terms of confirmed kills. (We don't mention the fact he tends to get shot down as it's impolite Very Happy )

Weapons and Gear: Ruger Mark II operator pistol, silenced and customized for his grip, SAW 249 automatic squad support machinegun, also customized for his grip and size, and a longsword specifically forged for him and capable of briefly unleashing a plasma arc as a ranged weapon, or for a rather longer period keeping a plasma torch contained by a magnetic field that is generated by various technological dingledongs on the sword. armored jumpsuit, heavy carapace armor for assault missions, datapad with holographic capabilities with records of his two previously published books, and quite possibly an acoustic guitar. A holopict projector with numerous photographs of his last class of students, prior to becoming dimensionally displaced.

Geryon-model AVATAR with a number of interchangeable modular features including: 100m solid-slug machinegun, kinetic-kill detachable rocket rack, capable of a 64-shot rocket spread, single shot only, no reloads. The rocket rack is used on both of the specialized AVATAR models Jim utilizes. Back wing thruster and manuevering assemblies, fitted only to Space model AVATAR, Flamethrower on the left arm replacing one of the beam guns, Ground model AVATAR only. Chobham armor, both model AVATARs but more commonly used on ground AVATAR. Chobham armor precludes the use of the thruster and manuevering assemblies as it covers their modular hardpoints with a thick layer of reactive armor. Ground Model build is named Exterminator, since it functions primarily as an anti-Roach powered armor unit, and the Space Model is nicknamed Interceptor because of enhanced speed.

He's a fanboy, and his experiences in battle and life have left him with something of an inferiority complex, as well as quite bitter with the world at large.

Background: Basically, Jim was out on maneuvers one day when an experimental robot's black hole engine overloaded, and he got blasted out of his own reality. Previous to this he was just a regular member of the personal trooper force that was stationed on the moon near Mao industries.

He has worked for the past half-year closely with the Marshalship, and has become a hardened, if embittered and grim combat veteran. His skills as a pilot, and as a combatant, have been honed to a very sharp edge, but much of the previous gusto and joy he had in life has left him for various reasons.

He's written a book about his experiences and those of the crew who were with him in the previous dimension. In TOR this will continue assuming circumstances allow him to continue chronicling his adventures and those of the people he runs into.


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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