The One RPG
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Application- Celeste

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Application- Celeste Empty Application- Celeste

Post by gubaba Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:56 pm

IRC Nickname: Kagome

Character Name: Celeste Laurent
Original Dimension: TheOne

Race: Possibly CoG-ian.
Age: Unkown
Sex: F
Height: 5'6
Weight: 130
Likes: Exercise, peace, food, learning
Dislikes: solitude, deception, oppression

Physical Description (Or picture):

Application- Celeste Celeste-concept

Powers and Special Abilities:

Exceptionally skilled in martial arts including weaponry and hand to hand.

Due to experimentation to her body she is able to shapeshift.
She also has access to magics such as fire, healing, ice, electric, and force attacks that have to do with Chi.

She would NOT use these unless the situation was absolutely dire, because these sorts of attacks would become questionable.

Weapons and Gear:

Just her Imaginos Uniform.


Very untrusting and wary.
Also holding a dark, deep secret that she doesn't want to get out. If someone were to find that secret, they could use it to blackmail her.

Celeste was originally sent as a VIP to the Warchief II to aid Dr. Axel Field in his various endeavors. After Axel had given himself up to be sentenced for his crimes, Celeste faded back into obscurity. Now she's seen again being part of the Imaginos Station, aiding those who would need help with her skills of peace and politics.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-08-12
Location : earth

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