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Character application - Armada

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Character application - Armada Empty Character application - Armada

Post by LocheEric Mon Jul 20, 2009 9:41 pm

IRC Nickname: Loche

Character Name: Armada
Original Dimension: Unnamed (Original Setting)

Race: Dragon (sub-type, unknown)
Age: 18
Sex: Male
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 210 lbs
Likes: Mira, treasure
Dislikes: Magic

Physical Description:

Armada likes to stick to business suits and sports jackets, often sticking to pale blues and whites to match his long, stark white hair. His own skin is noticeably pale, as well, and seems completely unblemished. His figure is rather slender and does a good job of being unassuming...

Powers and Special Abilities:

Resilience ~ Dragons of Armada's type are very resilient to extremes of temperature and elements, able to survive in particularly harsh conditions with little extra protective gear.

Heightened Senses ~ Dragons of Armada's type have senses heightened beyond that of a normal human's. In clear conditions, Armada can see details from half a mile away and hear a conversation held in normal tones from the same distance. He can pick out particular scents in heavily diluted smells, taste more distinct flavors, and has a very sensitive sense of touch.

Draconic Strength ~ Armada, even in his human form, possesses exceptional strength, far beyond human parameters.

Partial and Full Shift ~ Armada is a dragon, able to shift between his full draconic form and his human form at will. This can manifest partially - his nails can become as sharp as his draconic claws, his skin armored by scales.

Breath Weapon ~ Armada possesses a breath weapon, yet is loathe to use it for some reason. Its exact type is a mystery, but he doesn't seem to be able to use it in human form.

Weapons and Gear:

The World ~ This ball and chain, colored blue and green to resemble a globe of an unknown world, is incredibly dense and heavy. Only someone with great strength can properly wield it.


Mind, Soul and Body-bond ~ Dragonbirthed have a deep bond with the dragon they are linked to. This bond is psychic, empathetic and spiritual. Mira and Armada are able to communicate telepathically as long as they are in a five mile range of one another. Strong emotions are transferred between the two of them, sometimes making concentration very difficult. Major physical pain is also transferred along this link, making it possible to take both Mira and Armada out of a fight by disabling one of them.

Human Form ~ While Armada's scales are quite formidable, when a blade -is- sharp enough to cut through them, or if he's caught by surprise, Armada bleeds a -lot-, far more than a normal human. This means that wounds in human form become far more severe if left untreated. This effect does not transfer to Mira.


As part of a mysterious, isolated culture known as the 'dragonbirthed,' Mira's people have attained a unique link with their dragon brethren. Armada and Mira are bound by the traditional link between dragons and Dragonbirthed; the two were birthed at the same time and raised together, barely straying from each other's sides through the course of their lives. Their bond, for reasons entirely unknown, is somehow even deeper than most dragonbirthed and dragons.

Also odd for the usually self-contained culture, Mira and Armada developed the unusual desire to leave their small island civilization for the outside world. Leaving home at as young teenagers, the two grew to (almost) maturity together in a world that had rarely seen their kind. Filled with a desire to see the whole world and experience it's fruits, Mira and Armada made their living by becoming a highly successful courier service; the only dragon-back messenger service in their world.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-07-14

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