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Magnus Martel Application

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Magnus Martel Application Empty Magnus Martel Application

Post by Magnus Thu Jul 16, 2009 12:40 am

Sergeant Magnus Martel

Race: Modified Human (Space Marine)
Age: 276 (looks 35)
Sex: Male
Height: 8'0
Weight: 500 pounds
Likes: The Imperial Truth. The book of 5 rings. Honorable Combat.
Dislikes: Chaos, Sorcery, Dishonorable battles
Physical Description (Or picture): A huge, well shaped man with craggy features, smooth, pale skin, freckles, light hair, and gray eyes.

Powers and Special Abilities: See addendum below. Combat training to an elite level, specializing in small arms and melee combat, civil engineering understanding equivalent to a bachelor's degree, and a familiarity with art and culture prior to the dark ages of technology.

Weapons and Gear: Mark IV Maximus Plate power armor. Bolt Pistol. Power Sword. Bolter.

As an imperial Fist, his Sus-an Membrane and Betcher's gland are vestigial and nonfunctional.

Extreme stubborness: Imperial fists, due to indoctrination and their own combat style, are doggedly determined and unflinching in their doctrine. Once Magnus makes up his mind about something, it's nearly impossible to change it without a long discourse using both logic and emotional persuasion.

Techno-barbarian: Magnus has an extreme distrust of artificial intelligences and created beings of any sort. This won't turn into open animosity as long as they serve humanity, but it means that he will not use certain pieces of equipment or technology available to him, due to humanity's experience during the Dark Ages of technology.

Medical care for a Space Marine is nearly impossible for someone not trained in their peculiar biology. He also requires far more food and drink than a human would.

Background (Please keep this semi-short):

Magnus was a founding member of the Imperial Fists Space marine legion, and fought in the Great Crusade, even as Horus' foul rebellion began. He was one of the last of Dorn's Huscarls to stand at Eternity Gate itself, and was hurled through by a bolt of sorcery. This leads him to present day TOR.... some 27,000 years before his time.

He is from Earth/Terra, and lived in a hive city (arcology), recruited for the Legion as a youngster, and as such has known primarily war and honor duels throughout his existence. That being said he has studied art, sculpture and civil engineering extensively, but for building the Imperial palace and out of honest interest.

Last edited by Magnus on Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:54 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Oopsies.)


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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Magnus Martel Application Empty :| power list

Post by Magnus Thu Jul 16, 2009 1:10 am

Space marine abilites are primarily derived from their organs and genetic enhancement.
Secondary Heart- This simplest and most self-sufficient of implants allows a Space Marine to survive his other heart being damaged or destroyed, and to survive in low oxygen environments. Not just a back-up, the secondary heart can boost the blood-flow around the Marine's body.2

Ossmodula - A small, tubular and complex organ, the ossmodula secretes hormones that both affect the ossification of the skeleton and encourage the forming bone growths to absorb ceramic-based chemicals that are laced into the Marine's diet.2 This heavily alters the way the Space Marine's bones grow and develop. Two years after this implant is first put in the subject's long bones will have increased in size (along with most other bones) and the rib cage will have been fused into a solid mass of bulletproof, interlocking plates.

Haemastamen - Implanted into the main circulatory system, this tiny implant not only increases the haemoglobin content of the subjects blood, making it more efficient at carrying oxygen around the body and making the subject's blood a bright red.

Larraman's Organ - A liver-shaped organ about the size of a golf-ball, this implant is placed within the chest cavity and connected to the circulatory system. It generates and controls 'Larraman cells' which are released into the blood stream if the recipient is wounded. They attach themselves to leucocytes in the blood and are carried to the site of the wound, where upon contact with air they form a near instant patch of scar tissue, sealing any wounds the Space Marine may suffer.

Catalepsean Node - Implanted into the back of the brain, this pea-sized organ influences the circadian rhythms of sleep and the body's response to sleep deprivation. If deprived of sleep, the catalepsean node cuts in. The node allows a Marine to sleep and remain awake at the same time by switching off areas of his brain sequentially. This process cannot replace sleep entirely, but increases the Marines survivability by allowing perception of the environment while resting2. This means that a Space Marine needs no more than 4 hours of sleep a day, and can potentially go for 2 weeks without any sleep at all.

Preomnor - This is essentially a pre-stomach that can neutralise otherwise poisonous or indigestible foods. No actual digestion takes place in the preomnor, as it acts as a decontamination chamber placed before the natural stomach in the body's system and can be isolated from the rest of the digestive tract in order to contain particularly troublesome intake.2
Multi-lung - This additional lung activates when a Space Marine needs to breathe in low-oxygen or poisoned atmospheres, and even water. The natural lungs are closed off by a sphincter muscle associated with the multi-lung and the implanted organ takes over breathing operations. It has highly efficient toxin dispersal systems.2

Occulobe - This implant sits at the base of the brain, and provides hormonal and genetic stimuli which enable a Marine's eyes to respond to optic-therapy. This in turn allows the Apothecaries to make adjustments to the growth patterns of the eye and the light-receptive retinal cells - the result being that Space Marines have far superior vision to normal humans, and can see in low-light conditions almost as well as in daylight.2

Lyman's Ear - Not only does this implant make a Space Marine immune from dizziness or motion sickness but also allows Space Marines to consciously filter out and enhance certain sounds. The Lyman's Ear completely replaces a Marine's original ear. It is externally indistinguishable from a normal human ear.

Melanochrome - This implant controls the amount of melanin in a Marine's skin. Exposure to high levels of sunlight will result in the Marine's skin darkening to compensate. It also protects the Marine from other forms of radiation.

Oolitic Kidney - In conjunction with the secondary heart this implant allows a Space Marine to filter his blood very quickly, rendering him immune to most poisons. This action comes at a price, however, as this emergency detoxification usually renders the Marine unconscious while his blood is circulated at high speed. The organ's everyday function is to monitor the entire circulatory system and allow other organs to function effectively.2

Neuroglottis - This enhances a Space Marine's sense of taste to such a high degree that he can identify many common chemicals by taste alone. A Marine can even track down his target by taste.

- Mucranoid - This implant allows a Space Marine to sweat a substance that coats the skin and offers resistance to extreme heat and cold and can even provide some protection for the marine in a vacuum. This can only be activated by outside treatment, and is common when Space Marines are expected to be fighting in vacuum.

Black Carapace - The most distinctive implant, it resembles a film of black plastic that is implanted directly beneath the skin of the Marine's torso in sheets. It hardens on the outside and sends invasive neural bundles into the Marine's body. After the organ has matured the recipient is then fitted with neural sensors and interface points cut into the carapace's surface.2 This allows a Space Marine to interface directly with his Power Armour.

Chemical Treatment Magnus must submit to constant tests and examinations. The newly implanted organs must be monitored very carefully, imbalances corrected, and any sign of maldevelopment treated. This chemical treatment is reduced after completion of the initiation process, but it never ends. Marines undergo periodic treatment for the rest of their lives in order to maintain a stable metabolism. Marine power armour suits contain monitoring equipment and drug dispensers to aid in this.

Last edited by Magnus on Thu Jul 16, 2009 2:38 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Snip snip)


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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