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Post by Magnus Fri Aug 21, 2009 2:49 pm

CC: Major Vesper Benjamin, Captain Rikhard Tietavainen, Grand Marshal Eliisse Stingray
Subject: Gear requested prior to assault and rescue mission to the scar

detachable airburst grenade launchers for the ARES Bs.
10mm gauss smgs
Personal fly/hover scout drones with camo.
1 missile launcher, single tube, and missiles for it.
One multi-tube missile launcher
1 sniper rifle
Frag, smoke/chaff, stun gas grenades
climbing gear
Restraints, and drugs to keep the prisoners subdued if needed.
rockets/missiles for some people to carry as ammo for the launchers
demolitions packs and training from Sergeant Voralis


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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