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Announcement: Special Address Scheduled Thursday

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Announcement: Special Address Scheduled Thursday Empty Announcement: Special Address Scheduled Thursday

Post by Lucian Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:59 am

Announcement: Special Address Scheduled Thursday Untitled-1

IMAGINOS STATION, 1 CERES - The Office of the Grand Marshal of the Imaginos Organization has issued a press release today, announcing a surprise public address by Grand Marshal Stingray, scheduled for 20:00 EST (Earth Standard Time) on Thursday, 13 August 3145. The press release indicated that the address's subject would be about the state of the war against the Macrocosmic Concern.

Some sources believe that the address will also cover the status of civilians within the City and Residential Sectors of Imaginos Station. Some critics of the Imaginos Organization have claimed that ISF Centcom may declare martial law in response to the recent increases in terrorism within the station. However, a source within the government who has asked not to be named has suggested that, in fact, the Grand Marshal plans to announce an independent civilian government with representation on the Imaginos Council, the primary leadership body of the organization.

Questions from SNN regarding the rumors were not commented on by Imaginos Press Secretary Angel Hawthorne or other members of the Grand Marshal's staff.

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Age : 50
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