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SFC Desmond Voralis

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SFC Desmond Voralis Empty SFC Desmond Voralis

Post by Dulkor Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:27 pm

IRC Nickname: Dulkor

Character Name: Desmond Voralis
Original Dimension: TOR Dimension 010

Race: Human
Age: 26
Sex: Male
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 210
Likes: Alcohol, cigarettes, 'the ladies', Nature, getting into combat, new tech, Aura
Dislikes: Being bored, idiocy, lack of booze or smokes, boys talking to Aura

Physical Description (Or picture):
Outside of his armor, Desmond is a tall, somewhat imposingly muscular man, with short cropped, dirty blonde hair and green eyes. His skin has a faint tan, as well as a large Geo-Def insignia tattooed across his upper right arm. He has an oddly jovial grin for his build and career choice, a perpetual half-smirk that never seems to entirely fade. He tends to dress in uniform, though most of the time this translates to camoflague pants, boots and a white T-shirt in less formal circumstances.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Special Forces Training - Desmond is a fully trained Geo-Def frontline soldier, with an eight year career of infantry, infiltration and special operations behind him.

Field Engineer - While certainly not a college egghead or physics teacher, Desmond has a practical working knowledge of demolition work and basic construction theory, in addition to enough mechanical and electronic knowledge to keep weapons and vehicles running in the field.

Weapons and Gear:

X-88J 'Crab Spider' Powered Armor
Desmond's control implant was completely destroyed in an accident. The 88 was rendered useless and scrapped for parts.

'Weaver' Integration Implant
The implant was damaged beyond repair while protecting Desmond from a potentially fatal spinal injury.

Type-88 Plasma Cannon
A scratch-built cannon salvaged out of the remains of the X-88J powered armor prototype. Desmond has created three functioning prototypes of the weapon, keeping one for his own use. While powerful, the weapons are inherently unstable due to their cobbled together nature. Only five shots can be taken reliably before replacing the internal power cells, otherwise the weapon risks a breakdown.


Reckless - Desmond values the safety of his friends/loved ones and the success of the mission a bit more than his own safety, and tends to take bigger risks than other soldiers might as a result.

Insubordinate - Desmond respects the idea of the chain of command, but is completely unafraid of voicing his dissent and generally acting individualistic.


Sergeant First Class Desmond "Moose" Voralis is a career soldier, leaving his home in the Shangri-La Metro Complex to enlist in Geo-Def at eighteen. He has served admirably and with distinction, though a minor insubordination streak has kept him from rising past NCO ranks. A combination of his record and training as a military engineer led to his selection for the X-88J project, which has finally entered the field testing stage. To obtain the necessary data for this new armor system, Desmond has been reassigned to Imaginos Station, and ultimately the Astolpho II.

Desmond is reluctant to explain where his nickname came from.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-28

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