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Dr. Aura Voralis

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Dr. Aura Voralis Empty Dr. Aura Voralis

Post by Nyx Sat Jul 25, 2009 7:50 pm

IRC Nickname: Moonset, Set, Kay-Away

Character Name: Dr. Aura Voralis
Original Dimension: TOR, Dimension 010
Race: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 142
Likes: Science, fashion, keeping up on current trends, her ever faithful assistant Ty, sugary treats, developing weapons, loud noises, elephants (wtf?)
Dislikes: War, injustice, bad hair days, smokers, an uneventful day

Physical Description (Or picture):
Aura is of average height and curvy, despite being fairly physically active for a scientist. Though her hair is naturally strawberry blonde, it's always dyed some neon color (currently hot pink) and usually pulled up into pigtails or worn in the latest style. Sometimes the ends of her hair are burned, which also explains why her hair never seems to grow any longer. She sports a pair of goggles with pink straps and biohazard signs on the lenses; these are usually resting on her forehead or around her neck. The front of her white labcoat is spattered liberally with pins and patches of such things as peace symbols, elephants, hearts, happy faces, test tubes, even one that reads "SCIENCE = <3!" The girl is also always hovering, thanks to her peculiar, prototype, patent-pending footwear. Aura is perpetually beaming, always in a stellar mood, rarely ever seeming worried -- that's what Ty is for.

- Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, Mechanics, Chemistry
- Several degrees and doctorates
- Weapons Engineering and Research
- Knows how to make/use anything in her lab as a weapon. Just ask Ty.
- Claims to be skilled at elephant riding, which is preposterous.

Powers and Special Abilities:
- Genius: While fully human, Aura possesses a dizzying intellect, well above genius level.
- Trained in Baguazhang style martial arts, though she's certainly no master; mostly done in an attempt by her parents to channel her absurd amounts of energy and get her clumsiness in check.

Weapons and Gear:
- Hover Boots: Aura's soon-to-be patented design. Stylish knee-length boots that are powered by revolutionary technology utilizing cold thrusters. The thrusters burn neon blue. They act essentially as rollerblades, allowing her to travel more quickly and of course, to hover. However, they're still in the development stage and thus, there are quite a few bugs...
- Standard ISF gear, including one modified labcoat.

- Clumsy: The poor thing is just a natural klutz, no matter how hard she tries to slow down and be precise. She's always knocking something over or dropping something.
- Ditzy/Scatterbrained/Absentminded: Despite her intellect, she's constantly forgetting where she put things or spacing out. Her carefree attitude and constant giggling is certainly no help.

Aura is living the dream. After graduating as the valedictorian of her class at Armstrong Institute of Technology and earning a number of doctorates in several fields, she accepted a career in Imaginos Space Force's division of Research and Development. After a few particularly nasty lab accidents, the higher-ups decided that Aura needed an assistant if the facility was expected to remain standing; they couldn't afford to lose her genius any more than they could afford the inevitable property damage if she was allowed to continue working on her own. Ever since, she's worked with her very competent (yet very nervous) assistant, Ty.

Life just couldn't be better.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-07-16
Age : 38

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