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The Official TOR Quotebook

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:08 pm

<The Warsmachine> Oi, Anfony, I think dat bloke's lookin' to 'ave you right nicked, ah do, ah do. <The Ironsmanne 2> Surely that isn't the case, young Rhodey. Now let us return to the den for some opium and tonic.
[21:01] <+ExpositionFairy> lol
[21:01] <@Friend> that's my imagination enacting Iron Man 2
[21:01] <+Rufus> rotflmao
[21:01] <+Hydra> <Kevin Sommerfeld> "Better to be safe, you know? So, Lute with went you to your apartment?"
[21:01] <+Rufus> that's how erin saw iron man 2
[21:01] <+Rufus> xach has patented huang-o-vision
[21:02] <+Exacerangutan> it's Ironman as written by Jim?
[21:03] <@Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> "Snipers work well in pairs..I'll speak to her about it." * she continues typing
[21:06] <@Moonset> *("You have no experience, kid. That's why I'm on top," Kevin laughed in Jim's face. Foster swelled with anger, balling his hand into a fist. "Not this time, Sommerfeld.. this time I'm on top." Their lips met in a--)o.<Lute> What's that Jim? That's nice.. *goes back to typing*


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sun Jun 20, 2010 9:15 pm

[21:08] <+Exacerangutan> Celeste was angry because now she'll never know how the Kevin-Jim-Kweli love triangle plays out in the end.
[21:09] <@Moonset> At Kweli's love palace, the Sleazulon 5
[21:09] <+ExpositionFairy> <Hiroshi> wife's terrible, terrible slash doujin are still floating around some place.
[21:09] <+Exterminatus> ack now I have to quote more
[21:09] <+Exterminatus> actually there's a canonically written kwelixjim fix
[21:09] <+Exterminatus> fic
[21:09] <@Moonset> o.O wat
[21:09] <+Rufus> what
[21:09] <+Exterminatus> It was written by Ben's PC, and she uploaded it anonymously to the net.
[21:10] <+Sparda> It's called Twil...oh
[21:10] <+Exterminatus> <Jim Foster> >Neutral
[21:10] <@Moonset> lmao
[21:10] <@Space-Bird> does that make jim bella?
[21:10] <@Moonset> is it called The Ties that Chafe?
[21:11] <@Moonset> +|Izzy Burke|+ "Yep. It looked okay.. a bit rustled through."
[21:11] <+Rufus> Gone with the Space-Wind: A Kweli Schwartzstern Story


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:02 am

[02:52] <+Exterminatus> <Jim Foster> Where does it say that being able to bake is a bad thing for men?
[02:52] <Bionic_Moose> <Grigori Bannikov> *Holds up "Being a man for Dummies" and looks at Foster*
[02:52] <+Exterminatus> <Jim Foster> *only reads the chapter about being able to bench press lots and take many bullets.*
[02:53] <+Exacerangutan> <Arashi> *underscores the "for Dummies" part*
[02:53] <+Azriel> <<Athena>> Right here, under the 2nd section, 5th paragraph, last sentence, and third clause under the part where if you stab yourself with your own sword in training.
[02:53] <@Friend> <Lute> *tastes a brownie* ...these are made from Herschel Chocolate. That's a Deathblessed chain. *flips the table* <Jim> *looks at the camera and shrugs while a wha wha wha trombone plays* <Announcer> That's Our Jim will be right back after these commercials from Sommerfeld Drugs
[02:53] <@Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> "............Yes Sommerfeld. I stared into the very depths of her soul and I know all her deepest darkest secrets, now I have to commune with my skygod so we have a bountiful harvest next solar cycle.."
[02:53] <Bionic_Moose> <Grigori Bannikov> *Crosses out "FOr dummies" and writes in "For Foster"*
[02:53] <+Rufus> roflmao xach
[02:53] <@Space-Bird> man quotebook that
[02:54] <+Rufus>
[02:54] <@Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> man I'm starting to sound like athena Neutral
[02:54] <+Radical> <Faustlin> Hey Luta, you should forgive Foster. Very Happy <Lute> Why would I- <Faustlin> *rips oen his shirt <Lute> ......I should forgive Foster. @.@ <Jason> ....? <Faustlin> Jedi Nipple Trick. Never fails.


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:40 am

<Space-Bird> renassaince faires in TOR are people wearing flannel shirts, eating hotpockets and quoting Homer Simpson


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:24 pm

[20:19] <+Exterminatus> turkey
[20:19] <+Exterminatus> fff
[20:20] <+Makaze> turret sanwich
[20:20] <+Exterminatus> What, two engies?
[20:20] <+Makaze> Two engies, One Dispenser
[20:21] <+Exterminatus> hahahahaha
[20:21] <ExpositionFairy> <Sandwich> Are you still there?~


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Azriel Wed Jul 07, 2010 3:39 am

<Rufus> «{Kaijo}» *DESCENDS UPON LUTE as she starts out of the hangar, walking up beside her from behind one of the AVATAR units (not a RAPE JUMP) (it's sad I have to clarify with this guy Sad) while tossing away a cigarette, even drifting up to her side and directly draping an arm around her narrow shoulders and letting his coat fan out behind her, "Miss Reinhardt."
<Zr388> HE'S LYING
<Space-Bird> roflmao
<Rufus> shit
<Rufus> she outed me
<Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> *stiffens in surprise, stiffens, and instinctively raises her datapad up in front of her chest, trying to create a buffer between them..look on her face too stunned to respond verbally "..."
<Space-Bird> -0
<Azriel> omg
<Azriel> Kaijo is Lute's stalker.
<Rufus> «{Kaijo}» *grins down and aside at her as she tenses so suddenly under his arm, a very OMINOUS LOOK from his albino features and scarlet eyes under the shadow of his black hair and the popped black collar of his coat, "Did I scare you? I actually didn't mean to this time..." he looks away from her and forward, gesturing ahead with his empty hand towards the rest of Rackham point as he starts <cont>
<Rufus> <cont> to walk forward again, as if guiding her along since she was stunned enough to stop, "Going out? May I join you? You're a smart enough girl I don't have to remind you how dangerous Rackham Point, much less the rest of Arcady, is." <end>
<Zr388> You gonna get raped
<Azriel> Totally.
<Rufus> «{Kaijo}» she might.
<Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> *stunned look slowly starting to leave her face, growing into a mix of discomfort and embarrasment, cheeks flushing slightly, more or less completely unprepared to respond "...I can take care of myself, Mr. Phanex.." *voice quiet and extremely tense...suddenly remembers how to use her legs and moves quickly towards the exit, trying to pull out from under Kaijo's arm
<Friend> <Vesper Benjamin> *looks up from polishing her gun that reads 'Nutcracker 9000' and looks at Kaijo while the Ecstasy of Gold plays*
<Rufus> roflmao
<Azriel> LMAO
<Space-Bird> <Lute Reinhardt> save me D:
<Zr388> rofl

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:05 am

<<Athena>> ".....Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat." *Yup, this isn't awkward at all.* "Fine...go ahead and stick it in, Reinhardt."


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sat Jul 10, 2010 2:07 am

<+Azriel> <<Athena>> "OW! You don't have to push it in that hard for god's sake." Neutral *However, she does close her eyes for the timebeing.*


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Fri Jul 16, 2010 1:09 am

[01:06] <@Friend> whoa whoa whoa
[01:06] <@Friend> Whoa
[01:06] <@Friend> whoa.
[01:06] <Kula> rofl
[01:07] <Exterminatus> And she's like creole
[01:07] <Kula> shoot
[01:07] * Kula runs from xach
[01:07] <@Space-Bird> vesper is chinese
[01:07] <@Friend> No negros in this channel
[01:07] <Kula> ROFL
[01:07] <@Friend> Jacob is unapproved
[01:07] <Kula> wait is she half chinese
[01:07] <+Hydra> ...Shit.
[01:07] <Kula> or a quarter
[01:07] <Exterminatus> I think I just found my new quote
[01:07] <@Friend> Vesper is creole
[01:07] <@Friend> so that's like
[01:07] <@Moonset> man that just made me laugh insanely
[01:07] <@Space-Bird> it doesn't matter cinnie her great great grandmother was 1/8th
[01:07] <@Friend> white, black and asian
[01:07] <+Hydra> Damnit Kay, I told you we wouldn't be avle to sneak him past.
[01:07] <@Space-Bird> that means she is chinese
[01:07] <@Friend> rofl
[01:07] <Kula> shit
[01:08] <@Moonset> I told you to say he was Puerto Rican, jesus


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:12 am

[02:11] <@Moonset> <Athena> *wakes up* <Three Maint-Bots> *hovering over her, one moving a claw to squeeze her boob* <Bot> BWEE (abort) <All Three> *go scattering making the R2D2 scream*


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Nyx Sun Aug 15, 2010 8:38 am

<@Friend> <Ezekiel> "...Ezekiel Nehemiah Holyoke per Nineteen-Two, Serial Number 7789 of the Convocation of Heuristics of the Infinite Solidarity of Mankind."
<+Horo-Sleep> <Kamui> *walking into the lounge..*
<@Moonset> «{Dis}» *absently* "Why is six afraid of seven? Because seven ate nine. ..That's Calculator humor for you, anyway. Good to meet you, 7789 and Al-Ebrahimi. Patients."
<@Friend> <Ezekiel> "..."
<@Friend> *Achievement unlocked - Flap the Unflappable - 10 pts

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Nyx Tue Aug 17, 2010 2:00 pm

<@Friend> <Nicolas> Analysis complete. Probable summation: She mad. *trollface* <Dis> It is likely that you are infuriated because he is styling approximately 5 yards near you.

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Nyx Wed Aug 18, 2010 5:37 pm

<@Friend> <FoodBot 9000> This Foodbot is now gay because its mate was taken by a wanton strumpetbot. *Z-snaps at Athena
<+Dulkor> {=Lynnea Antera=} yer fault fer ne'er puttin' out, berk
<@Friend> <FoodBot 9000> THIS FOODBOT BELIEVES IN SAVING ITSELF...As well as saving backups.
<+Azriel> <<Athena>> Yea, sorry, sucker. Not my fault she doesn't appreciate you stuffing your hot dogs in places they don't belong.
<+Radical> <Faustlin> Don't worry, Foodbot.
<@Friend> <FoodBot 9000> This Foodbot will cut you, bitch. *breaks a ketchup bottle
<+Radical> <Faustlin> Spider-Bot's stil single.

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Tony Fri Oct 08, 2010 10:55 pm

<Billdork> <Jim Foster> *the sadness fades to neutrality, and thoughtfulness, looking to HOPE* "You're a warrior by nature and design. What will you do if war ends?"
<Az|Pharaoh> <<Athena>> She's not a warrior...she's a pansy little serving bot.
<Kula> <HOPE Beta> what'd you say rugmuncher
<Rufus> OH
<Moonset> roflmao
<Rufus> OHHHH
<Rufus> TOLD
<Rufus> oh MAN
<Az|Pharaoh> <<Athena>> You heard me, boobatron clone.
<Az|Pharaoh> So....what's a rugmuncher?


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Nyx Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:13 pm

<Empra> <Jim Foster> *sips a pot of tea*
<Empra> as in a small little thing.
<Empra> Not like a frickin kettle
<@Space-Bird> so a cup?
<Empra> more like a small bowl
<@Space-Bird> wat
<@Space-Bird> that's not..what...use your words right
<@Space-Bird> we have small bowls for liquids called cups..sometimes we call them glasses, especially if they're made of glass. does he eat his food on a flatbowl with a poking spoon

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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Fri Oct 15, 2010 11:46 pm

*James Foster leaned over a table in the library, his brow set in a thick scowl as he read over maps of Imaginos. "So my previous plan is erroneous?" He felt a strong hand on his shoulder and a cold presence just behind him. "Of course. We need to advance from behind, Foster," came the melodious timbre of Bible Black's velvety voice. Jim felt weak in the knees.. this certainly wasn't something
[23:44] <@Moonset> he had calculated.


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The Official TOR Quotebook - Page 3 Empty Re: The Official TOR Quotebook

Post by Magnus Sat Oct 23, 2010 4:08 pm

[16:05] <Empra> <Jim Foster> *plays some simon and garkfunkel stuff. Honestly*
[16:05] <Moonset> «×Aura Voralis×» "YES MA'AM don't hurt me!" *huffs, continuing her pushups
[16:05] <Dulkor> shouldn't that be Cylon and Garfunkel by now?


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