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Kumagaya Kamui

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Kumagaya Kamui Empty Kumagaya Kamui

Post by Horo Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:40 pm

IRC Nickname: Horo

Character Name: Kamui Kumagaya
Original Dimension: TORverse Original

Race: Human, rumored to have decended from a spiritual ancestor.
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135lbs
Likes: Work, friendship, quiet places
Dislikes: Violence

Physical Description (Or picture):
A thin young man of slight build, also a little shorter than his peers. His pale skin and silvery hair tends to stand out within a crowd as well as his traditional looking Ainu robes that he tends to wear when off duty. Normally wears an Imaginos station medical unform covered by a labcoat where the sleeves are usually stained with a slight red or green tinge from his plants.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Healing - Able to close wounds and relieve pain.
Nature Control - Ability to control growth and decay of plants.
Create Plant Golem - Ability to animate plants which will be come fairly intelligent on their own, or under full control with concentration.
Speak with Plants - Self explanitory
Herbalist - Knowlege of herbs and their effects on the known races that have a file on the Imaginos' databases.

Weapons and Gear:
Standard Imaginos Station medical crew gear
First Aid kit with personal herbs

None in particular

Originally from the Co-op on North America, Kamui was a farmer and herbalist in one of the domes that supported the farmland he worked at. From when he was a child, there was something special, a way the plants beneath him tended to grow stronger, more bountiful on harvest, and blooms prettier. For a long time this used to be very puzzling to those who lived with him and Kamui himself until there was a envoy from the Imaginos who recognized the power that he had in him, giving him some options for his future.

On the Imaginos station, he would learn how to control his powers, which effectively made him into a nature specialist who was able to manipulate the growth and decay of plant matter as well as being able to use the ability for limited healing of wounds. He quickly fell into place as a medic in training, working his way up to a full medic. He tends to use his herbs more than his actual healing powers in most situations, oweing to his thoughts on not liking to be dependent on magical healing for every injury.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-16

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