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Kamui Soma

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Kamui Soma Empty Kamui Soma

Post by Great_Mazinger Sun Sep 26, 2010 1:15 am

*Name: Kamui Soma
*Age: 25
*Sex: Male
*Origin: Martien Orphan, Belt Colonies, then Earth.
*Birthday: September 21st
*Specialty: Investigation and Strategy.

*Physical Stats
**Height: 5'9"
**Weight: 160lbs
**Eyes: Green
**Hair: Red
**Special: When accessing his C-Genome capacities, he has Gold eyes.

Kamui is one of the orphans of Mars's destruction, along with several others, who were recruited by Evening Star. Taken to the belt colonies,
Kamui became one of the children who were experimented on in RAGNAROK's quest to produce Super Soldiers, by means of infusing children
with the C-Genome, in order to build a group of powerful soldiers with meta-human abilities.
Kamui was struck blind, deaf and dumb from the experimentations. For a year or so, he was stuck in his mental prison with nothing to do but
think, only able to communicate with other children who had developed ESP abilities. However, during this time in mental isolation, his brain
developped superhuman acuity, and when he came out of his sensory deprivation, he was one of the successful projects from the C-Genome
When the other children escaped the care of RAGNAROK, Kamui was in his sensory deprived coma, and when he awoke he was subjected to
several tests. He had little to no memory of his previous life and took the name 'Kamui Soma' after an old legend and the name of his personal
handler. He started training on harnessing his C-Genome abilities, for the purposes of joining Geo-Def as one of the super soldiers.
Because of the delicate nature of his C-Genome infusion, he was not able to perfom as a casual soldier. However, due to his superhuman
investigation and thought processing speeds and intelligence, Kamui rapidly rose to prominence as both a strategist and an intelligence expert.
His Genome powers were considerably less impressive than his keen mind and deductive/analytical senses.
However, then came Economaki's rise to power. Kamui never really got behind something megalomaniacal like that, so while out on a fact
finding mission, he killed his fellow soldiers by leading them into a trap and broke away from the group, faking his own death by detonating
their ship and blaming it on terrified pirates of the sector, before fleeing to JSA space, wanting to get away from possible reprisal, and hoping to work back into a position to undo Economaki's damage to the system.

Master Strategist: Kamui is genuinely super intelligent, and is able to come up with up to 7 different strategies from just a cursory glance at a
battlefield. Long term strategy and instant tactics are his forte, prefering subtle and risky manuvers to careful and attrition heavy plans.

Analytical Genius: Kamui is incredibly clever when it comes to putting two and two together. Using the inborn superpower of 'common sense',
he's able to decipher codes and string clues together to find the answer, to riddles, puzzles, and mysteries.

C-Genome Power - Electrokinesis: Kamui's C-Genome powers, at least the ones that need to be activated, are electrical in nature. The only
permanent effect of this power is his lightning thought processes, as described above. However, under duress, he is able to very temporarily
activate his C-Genome power, his hair turning black and his eyes turning gold when he does. The more he uses these powers, however, the
faster he reverts back to normal, with an additional drawback.

*Electro-Touch: Kamui can generate massive amounts of electrical power in his hands. With a simple touch he can zap someone like a
stungun (but much more powerful), and prolonged touching can and will fry someone's nervous system and muscles. This can be used with a
conduit as well, sending out a shock through metal or water. This is by far the most draining ability and he can only use this 5 or 6 times
before having to turn back.

*Lightning Reflexes: Kamui's reflexes in this form are heightenned to superhuman levels, which is why he was briefly considered as a soldier,
more than anything. However, this is more of a sensory ability than a combat one. He can't dodge bullets or outrun a vehicle, he just has
incredibly quick reaction time, especially in melee or close range. This acts more like an instant precognitive flash than any kind of attack
ability. This can be kept up for about 10 minutes, so long as no other powers are used.

*Psychometry: A variant of the more common psychic version of this, Kamui can pick up the electrical impulses of people he touches and
objects in his hand. While not as likely to be precise and insightful as true psychometry, Kamui also gets a clear picture of the very last
important thing the person or the one holding the object was experiencing This ability can be used on the very recently dead. This power can
be used 5 times before he has to detransform, or consecutively for up to 30 seconds on a single object, as it's draining both mentally and

Physical Skills:
*Alertness: Incredible
*Athletics: Excellent.
*Stealth: Very Good.
*Brawl: Good.
*Firearms: Very Good.

Social Skills:
*Subterfuge: Amazing.
*Streetwise: Very Good.
*Intimidation: Good.
*Leadership: Incredible.
**Strategy: Amazing.
*Expression: Poor.

Mental Skills:
*Computers: Excellent
*Investigation: Amazing. Without his powers.
*Law: Very Good.
*Politics: Very Good.
*Science: Good.

==Weapons & Gear==
Regular Street bought service pistol.
Forensics Kit.
Chess game.

Kamui is incredibly arrogant and overconfident. He takes near impossible odds as a personal challenge, but then again he usually analyses the
hell out of a situation and can see when it's REALLY impossible or when it just looks it. He prefers the former.
Kamui's C-Genome form also comes with a very crippling drawback. If forced to turn back to normal, from overuse, he becomes literally as
weak and clever as a child, and needs to rest and eat to get his strength back. He prefers to rely on his quick wits and cleverness to deal with
problems, not with his powers, for that reason.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-01-07

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