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Ares and Hephaestus (Pallas NPC)

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Ares and Hephaestus (Pallas NPC) Empty Ares and Hephaestus (Pallas NPC)

Post by Magnus Mon Apr 05, 2010 3:04 pm

IRC Nickname:

Character Name: Ares and Hephaestus
[b]Original Dimension:Tor

Age: Unknown, look to be in late 30s
Sex:Both male
[b]Height: 6'2" and 4'9"
[b]Weight: 230 pounds and 120 pounds
[b]Likes: Money, wordplay, gear to repair
[b]Dislikes: The police, snoopy people

[b]Physical Description (Or picture): Ares is a tall, well-made man with biosculpted muscles and nanotatooes whorling all over his body, giving him a green tinge, he also has sharpened incisors. Hephaestus is a hunchbacked, heavily altered by cybernetics little man with I/O ports at his temples.

[b]Powers and Special Abilities: Ares has the gift of gab and hard bargaining. Hephy is a mechanical savant. They're also fences for the local black market, however they do not take sides in any power struggles, simply selling their wares to everyone.

[b]Weapons and Gear:
All of it. No seriously, as black market fences and armor and gunsmiths, they basically have anything they need, or what the buyer needs.

[b]Weaknesses: Hephaestus is a cripple, with a clubfoot and crooked backeven his cybernetics don't help, Ares has faulty cybernetic headware that causes him to constantly change his accent to various locales and languages he's got on skillsofts.

[b]Background: Unknown, these fellows rose to prominence after the fall of imaginos by reselling lost gear from the various space battles. It is rumored they keep a private stash of concern energy weapons which they sell for exorbitant prices.


Posts : 63
Join date : 2009-07-16

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