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Lynnea Antera

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Lynnea Antera Empty Lynnea Antera

Post by Dulkor Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:15 pm

IRC Nickname: Dulkor

Character Name: Lynnea Antera
Original Dimension: Planescape

Race: Human
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 117 lbs
Likes: Gambling, Travel, Unpredictability, Red and Black, New Experiences
Dislikes: Stagnation, Being broke, bad luck, Destiny

Physical Description (Or picture):
Lynnea carries herself with a hint of a swagger and a smirk, long brown hair usually pulled up into a bun and a glint in her blue eyes. She spends a lot of her time in an ISF uniform, but when out of it she favors flamboyant and flashy dresses and outfits, often with motifs reminiscent of roulette tables and card suits. Regardless of her outfit, she always wears a simple chain necklace with a clear, six-sided die pendant. On close inspection, there appears to be a small red eye in the center of the cube.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Fate-Twisting - Lynnea possesses the ability to effect a 'resonance cascade' in the fabric of reality. When used, Fate-Twisting can cause exceedingly unlikely events and outcomes to occur, but has a chance of backfiring on the user, as such cascades are always slightly out of control by their very nature. Only the exceedingly unlikely can be made to happen like this, not the impossible. (for example: she can't cause a creature or person to suddenly spawn into being or overcome massive distances of space and time by coincidence, but she could, say, cause a key rivet to slip loose in an opposing mecha or a chain reaction of events to spark a fuel source/ammo dump, or a freak gust of wind to throw off a sniper's aim)

Uncanny Luck - Even without actively using her magical talents, Lynnea is an unnaturally lucky person and tends to excell in activities where chance is a factor. This luck also gives her a slight passive defense. When injured, she's somewhat less likely to take permanently debilitating/crippling wounds, even if the shock of the injury is enough to take her out of the fight in the short term.

ISF Training - Lynnea is a fully trained Imaginos Space Forces agent, with all the weapon and basic technical skills required.

Weapons and Gear:

Lucky Decks - Lynnea carries about five different card decks in various styles, from tarot to standard four suit to hanafuda. Other than always having some handy for games or other purposes, it's hard to tell if they give her any special abilities.

Mimir's Eye - The eye inside her pendant was taken from a particularly knowledgeable mimir, it's unknown if this strange artifact provides any benefit.

Sign of the Sensates - A simple pin with a small, complicated gold emblem depicting a hand, ear, eye and mouth. She always wears it over her breast, whether beneath her uniform jacket or openly displayed on her civilian clothing.

All other equipment is Imaginos standard issue.


Fickle Fate - Manipulating fate directly is taxing and leads to unpredictability in the near future. Every use of Fate-Twisting in a single day increases the chance that the cascade will be harmful.

With each roll for Fate-Twisting, Lynnea has a chance of losing control:

First spell = 10 or less
Second/Third = 25 or less
Fourth = 50 or less
Fifth = 60 or less
Sixth = 75 or less
Seventh and greater = 95 or less

In the event of a failure, the cascade does not simply 'fizzle out', but instead reacts with reality in a violent and unforseen way, usually harmful to the caster. Sometimes, it even still accomplishes the original intent in the process (GM call in the event the roll was still high enough to 'succeed') Her usual luck doesn't protect her from such failures.


Born and raised in the so called 'center of the planes' to stranded Prime parents, Lynnea spent her early life exposed to magic, technology, the divine and the mundane in equal measures. Such a place made the malleability of reality crystal clear to her young mind, and the Art of magic spoke to her in a rather peculiar way, letting her shape chance to her whim, with at least somewhat regular success.

Using her gifts, Lynnea started wandering the city of Sigil and the neighboring planes with a group of like minded adventurers from the Society of Sensation. It was at a tavern in Sigil while celebrating their newest adventure that she slipped through one of the City of Doors' many secret portals to other worlds, finding herself in the middle of an Imaginos base with no reasonable explanation for what had just happened. Once the accidental nature of her arrival was made clear, she jumped at the opportunity to sign on and experience a new cluster of worlds.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-28

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