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Dytia Urara

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Dytia Urara Empty Dytia Urara

Post by Makaze Mon Aug 17, 2009 1:03 am

Name: Dytia Aeriya Urara
Age: 18
Sex: Female
*B-day: By Earth Time March 21st
*Place of Birth: Emaan homeworld of Parma 3rd provience
*Parents: Gaje and San Urara of Parma
*Nationality: N/A
*Speciality: Spear Comabat
*Non-Combat Speciality: Etiquette
*Hobbies: Cooking, Socializing with others
*Likes: Learning about other cultures and habits
*Dislikes: Rudeness
*Favorite Food: None
*Least Favorite Food: None
*Favorite Music: Orchestral
*Favorite Sport: Swimming
Most Valuable Possession: Her Grandmother's Recipie book
*Level of Education: Finishing School Equivalent
*Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kay Hest(Dub)/Kikuko Ino'ue(Sub)(Kotetsu)

Physical Stats
Eyes: Amber
Hair: Pine Green
Special: Dytia has a tattoo of Two stripes on the right side of her face,
both are Deep green in color and are about 1.5 cm in width each.

APPEARANCE: Dytia stands roughly 5ft 3inches, with long pine green hair that falls to the small of her back which she keeps in a plaited pony tail She has a firm athletic build but not overly muscled, more along the lines of a very lithe, and limber gymnast. Her eyes are a Deep Amber and she has tan complexion She usually wears her hair in a braided pony tail and doesn't care much for jewelry save necklaces and two crystal spiral cut hair ornaments. She prefers loose fitting blouses,tunics and skirts as well as lyric sandals and overall aims to keep comfort a high priority while at the same time dressing conservatively, by her and her peoples standards. A last few notable features would be the small, triangle shaped gems on the back of both hands, both powder blue in color.

PERSONALITY: Dytia is very regal and kind hearted, almost to the point of gullibility, she is almost borderline obsessed when it comes to other cultures and customs, Dytia is also very well mannered, as it was part of her Guardian training and on the whole she feels it defined a person and shows how strong ones will is when one can be patient and polite, when all patience is gone. She is usually calm and collected, and very easy to get along with, sometimes going the extra mile and considering herself a self proclaimed big sister. She does care deeply for people and will come to their aid if she feels she is needed. She is a bit sensitive about her height, being about 6 inches taller than most women on her planet, as well as her hair color, which has gotten her the attention of many an unwanted suitor. If given a task she will attempt to complete, but will usually try to find a somewhat more palatable way of doing it if it is amundane or less than desirable task, this woman is anything but lazy. Dytia is very studious, especially when it comes to other cultures, having at one time desired to become an ambassador herself. A final note is that she is very polite.

BACKGROUND: Ever since Dytia could remember, her family has been the care takers and aide de camp's of the Parman, royal house, serving the royal family as guardians as well as aids during good will missions to other planets. She started her training for the position, to take her elder sisters place as a guardian at the tender age of 12. She comes from a rather large and quasi-powerful family. Having 2 elder brothers, 2 elder sisters, and her mother just giving birth to a set of twins. All family members serve the royal house in some capacity, her mother an adviser.

Her father the Kings personal Guard, her brothers serving in the military and her sisters serving as guardians to the queen and princess of Parma who also doubles as an emissary, reasons behind this have become marred by the passage of time, but it is believed that it is an act of good will to send one of royalty to negotiate showing that there is no ill intent nor mistrust.

During their service to the royal house of Parma each royal guardian is assigned a mecha, to better aid in their duties, as occasionally a potential ally turned out to be rather hostile.

Dytia is currently nearing the end of her training, having spent 6 long hard years in training and learning proper etiquette and what do do when certain situations arise. Customs of Parma dictate that upon nearing completion the trainee must choose their final test.

Dytia chose a rather unique one.

For many years Parma had been monitoring other planets for potential as an ally to open negotiations with, Earth unknowingly being one of them, but Parma's council and ruling family felt they were not advanced enough to be contacted and provide anything fruitful. Dytia volunteered to watch Earth and maybe gain more info. While in secret she's been curious about the blue planet since her mother first told her of it when she was young.

While initially her family was against their youngest member going to such a relatively unknown planet and by Parman standards a bit primitive. Dytia's stubbornness eventually won out, and arrangements were made to send her to Earth for a period over the span of 2 years. She has a very light grasp of the culture which is bound to cause problems but she feels she can over come a minor obstacle like a cultural barrier

SPECIAL ABILITIES, SKILLS AND/OR POWERS: Dytia is an excellent cook, having spent a lot of time with her grandmother in the kitchen when she wasn't in school or training. She also excels at the use of the spear in a fashion similar to Naginata-jutsu from Japan only the techniques she was taught focus more on speed and adaptability than raw power and keep away tactics.

ITEMS OF NOTE: None of Major importance, well save an ear ring that aids her in
understanding human languages and is a direct link to Skydancer

GOALS: Dytia wishes to learn all she can about Earth, in hopes of A) Changing her superiors minds about what is viewed as a primitive planet B) SO she can achieve guardian status like her siblings and C) she's well and Earth Fangirl.

She also hopes to make allies of her own during her visit on the planet, maybe even find a significant other being the only unattached member of the family.

WEAKNESSES: Dytia can sometimes be too nice, and is sometimes nice to those who do not deserve kindness. She cannot abide suffering of others and is a very self sacrificing sort, she is still somewhat unfamiliar with Earth Customs so mistakes and social faux-paux are bound to happen, she is also sensitive about her wella s her breast size feeling they are a bit too big and hates attention being brought to how she looks trying to keep a modest persona

MECHA DESCRIPTION: See attached sheet

NPC(s) to
go with char: Skydancer, Dytia's assigned mecha, is very much a self aware AI system, with limitations, also acts as her personal planner and a friendly voice when she needs it, its
also her only way to communicate with home. Has Dytia's affinity for manners and other cultures but more as a side effect of her programming, and she is a little more blunt than her pilot.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-07-18

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