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Chris Riley

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Chris Riley Empty Chris Riley

Post by Dulkor Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:43 am

IRC Nickname: Dulkor

Character Name: Chris Riley
Original Dimension: Outlaw Star

Race: Terran
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 155 lbs
Likes: Space, easy money, gambling, flying, being in charge
Dislikes: Being made fun of for his size or looks, "snobby rich people", Ctarl-Ctarl, Pirates

Physical Description (Or picture):
Chris appears mostly like a normal human, if a short, wiry and very slender one. He has shoulder-length brown hair that generally just lays however it happens to fall, and skin with the pale tint of someone who spends very little time in natural sunlight. He wears predominantly black clothing: a shirt and elbow-length gloves, the left handed one ending in metal tips over the fingers, along with brown boots and somewhat baggy pants. A pair of holsters are connected to his belt. His face is... very slightly effeminate. He'd never be mistaken for a woman, but his features aren't precisely masculine. His right eye is usually behind some sort of mechanical eyepatch, but when it's removed it's apparent that there isn't anything wrong with the eye itself.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Pilot - Chris lacks formal training, but has years of experience flying spacecraft of all types and sizes, though his specialties are fighters and medium-scale grappler ships.

Gunslinger - Chris primarily fights with a variety of small arms, using slugthrower and directed energy pistols to great effect, his small size and speed giving him a slight advantage when moving from cover to cover.

Dirty Fighter - Chris is completely free of any ideas of honor or morality in a fight, and is completely willing to go for cheap shots, sneak attacks and generally kicking people while they're down.

Weapons and Gear:

Shock Glove - The 'ornamental' metal jewelry on Chris's left hand is, in fact, a concealed high-voltage shock weapon. It can be dialed to various settings from a momentary stun to complete incapacitation, possibly even high enough to cause permanent nervous system damage.

Argos Targeter - Chris's eyepatch contains a suite of scanning and targeting software and hardware. It assists in his gunfighting, as well as actively scanning the target for any abnormalities, both those that could be exploited and those to be wary of.

Short-Barrel Blaster - Chris's prefered side-arm, though just a part of his collection. A fairly standard directed-energy pistol, but he's used it for so long he knows its ins and outs better than any other weapon.

Light Shield - Chris's right hand glove has a concealed energy shield. It projects a field large enough to cover his hand, giving him a defense against melee weaponry. It can burn out if activated for too long, necessitating repairs.


Cheapskate - Chris will always haggle, manipulate and generally stretch his cash as far as he possibly can, even if he already has a lot of it.

In it for the money - Chris is not a loyal person, and can be swayed with monetary or other gain for himself.


Born on Heifong III, poverty forced Chris into work on a starship as a child, where a pirate raid nearly ended his life early. Rescued by an Outlaw crew working out of Blue Heaven, he fell in with the collection of freedom-loving ne'erdowells that occupied the station. Many years, several adventures and a number of scars later, the now adult Chris finds himself displaced into completely unfamiliar ground.


Posts : 13
Join date : 2009-07-28

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