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Countess Eva Navarro

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Countess Eva Navarro Empty Countess Eva Navarro

Post by Nyx Sat Aug 08, 2009 12:15 am

IRC Nickname: Moonset, Set, Kay-Away

Character Name: Countess Eva Navarro
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Human (Callistan)
Age: 24
Sex: Female
Height: 6’0”
Weight: 162 lbs
Likes: Flamenco music, pozole, masquerade balls, the arts, proper etiquette, children
Dislikes: Low-class people, crass humor, being wrong

Physical Description (Or picture): Speaks with a pronounced accent.

Powers and Special Abilities:

- Quicksilver Grace: Nimble and naturally graceful. Also perfectly suited to evasion.

- Swordplay: Trained since childhood on the finer points of swordplay with her rapier and offhand dagger.

- Disarm: Attempts to knock the target’s weapon away.

- Riposte: A quick, retaliating thrusting blow used after a successful Disarm.

- Butterfly Kick: A graceful kick that knocks the breath out of a target.

- Intercept: Eva becomes a blur of motion, dashing towards an enemy within fifteen feet to make a strike.

- Throw: Eva throws both weapons at the target; usually an attempt to pin them down.

- Enrage: Eva’s anger consumes her, increasing her damage but also lowering her accuracy and judgment; such a rampage is also quite draining and can't be sustained for long.

- Social Graces: Well-versed in proper etiquette and court behavior.

Weapons and Gear:
Orgullo de Azul – Her custom vibroblade rapier. It’s inlaid with touches of gold and mother of pearl.

Duelo de Azul – Her custom vibroblade dagger, also inlaid with gold and mother of pearl.

- Firebrand: Eva has a terrible temper. Normally she’s the picture of social grace and politeness, but if she’s provoked or a topic sensitive to her is breached, she’s likely to fly off the handle.

- Uppity: She’s a bit of a snob and sometimes finds it difficult to relate to ‘normal’ people.

A cousin of the Saavedra noble family, Eva Navarro grew up a privileged countess who wanted for nothing. However, times have changed and the Navarros are skirting dangerously close to poverty. In order to save face and keep this a secret, Eva has joined the ISF under the pretense of promoting unity between the Callistans and the rest of the alliance. She is also a Cielo Azul aspirant.

Posts : 26
Join date : 2009-07-16
Age : 38

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