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Re: Increased Security

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Re: Increased Security Empty Re: Increased Security

Post by Madoushi Fri Aug 07, 2009 6:24 pm

CC: Major Vesper Benjamin, Captain Rikhard Tietavainen, Grand Marshal Eliisse Stingray
Subject: Re: Increased security

To all Irregulars:

Due to recent misunderstandings and the unfortunate assassination attempt of our highest officials, security will be vastly increased.

The Irregulars have been granted autonomy outside the standard Imaginos chain of command, to act and conduct investigates. Use this authority at your discretion.

Furthermore, I would appreciate any prisoners captured turned over to me, and that any requests by the System Alliance for relinquishment of prisoners to their custody should also be directed to myself, or to one of your superiors, Major Benjamin, Captain T., or Marshal Stingray's general staff.

I would also appreciate any suspiscions of sabotage or espionage to be directed to myself or one of your superiors, as well.

Thank you all for your co-operation, I will see you in the field.

- Lt. Faustlin Fontaine, Special Assignments Section, Imaginos Security Corps.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21

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