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Lt. Faustlin Fontaine

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Lt. Faustlin Fontaine Empty Lt. Faustlin Fontaine

Post by Madoushi Tue Aug 04, 2009 11:28 pm

IRC Nickname: Madoushi

Name: Lieutenant Faustlin Fontaine
Age: 18
Sex: M
Race: Human
Place of Birth: Imaginos, Deimos
Birthdate: August 11, 3127
Dimension: 010
Hobbies: Forcibly disembarking people
Likes: Forcibly disembarking people, film noir, Soccer
Dislikes: People who force him to forcibly disembark them, bright lights, neopolitan ice cream

Physical Stats

Height: 5'11"
Weight: 180 lbs.
Eyes: blue
Hair: blond

Special Attribute(s):

Small Arms
Heavy Weapons
Magnetic Weapons
Power Armor
Land Vehicles (Wheeled, Tracked)
Transport Flight Craft
Small Unit Tactics
Survival Tactics
Interrogation Techniques
Camoflauge and Subterfuge

Though still green, Faustlin has been trained to use all the weapons and basic transport vehicles of the ISF, as well as the basics of concealment and intellegence-gathering techniques

Powers/Abilities: None...?

Items of Note:
ISF-31B ARES 12mm Assault Rifle
ISF-37 Aegis 10mm Sidearm

ISF-33S "Snake Skin" LACCRA - A specialized LACCRA bodysuit and cowl which also provides up to four hours of thermoptic camoflauge.

ISF-19X "Lock-On" Logistic Optical Command Kinesiology Operating Network - A specialized visor that attaches to a Laccra to provide a sophisticated ECM and imaging suite for defeating most conventional and combat stealth.

ISF-66 HYDRA HeavY Dynamic Reactive Armor - The reinforced Durasteel and ceramic reactive armor worn by ISC anti-boarding infantry and some Peacekeeper Marines. Heavy and inflexible, it can withstand large-caliber and armir-piercing ammunition and even light anti-armor munitions, and is equipped with a few heavy weapons of it's own. While it cannot fly, it is equipped with Jump Jets allowing it to leap up to 30 feet in Earth-like gravity.

ISF-67 Integrated Heavy Weapons System - A component of the HYDRA armor, this system fits over the right hand, and can be configured into a high-velocity 15mm chaingun or a Light Anti-Armor Weapon Rail Driver firing. A standard HYDRA comes equipped with 1000 15mm rounds and 8 LAAW munitions. Some HYDRA are equipped with a Special Anti-Armor ordinance Weapon which can only be armed by Executive Order and is capable of completely annhialating an armored vehicle or severely crippling an AVATAR.

Photosensitivity - Faustlin's skin grafts leave him somewhat susceptible to light, forcing him to use skin and eye protection, even in artificially-lit environments.

Impetuous - Though intelligent and fiercely gifted, Fontaine's lack of experience makes him prone to quick and violent forms of problem solving.

Heavy - While equipped with a HYDRA, Faustlin's movement and reaction times are slowed considerably.

A child of two refugees of the war of succession sparked by the death of Chaz McAllister, Faustlin received severe burns from a damaged plamsa conduit on Imaginos during the First Interdimensional War. Faustlin was saved by none other than Elisse Stingray herself, and given extensive skin grafts. Shortly afterward, he and his parents fled, ostensibly, to further out into the solar system, away from the fighting.

Two years ago, Faustlin returned, reclusive and introverted. He enlisted in the ISF and obtained a commission in the newly minted Special Assignments Section, the ISC's VIP security detail, and has been reassigned with his platoon to the Asolpho II.

Yet still, rumors persist that Faustlin Fontaine died four years ago on Saturn, and that he may have been involved in the terrorist organization Liberty, believed responsible for the firing of the Brahm Cannonade which triggered the Second Interdimensional War.


Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21

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