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Francesca Gabreski

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Francesca Gabreski Empty Francesca Gabreski

Post by Horo Tue Aug 04, 2009 1:13 am

IRC Nickname: Horo

Character Name: Francesca 'Fran' Gabreski
Original Dimension: TORverse Original

Race: Human
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 118lbs
Likes: History, flying, music
Dislikes: Nothing in particular

Physical Description (Or picture):
A tallish woman who looks a little older than her age, long brown hair tied up in a ponytail, light brown eyes and a soft smile, although the expression hides her usual demeanor of a soldier who likes to bend the rules and play very close to the edge. She normally wears the black and red ISF uniform, but during her testing of the new striker unit, she is seen wearing her uniform top and a pair of short biker shorts.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Superior Strength - While channeling magic, has the strength to easily lift heavy weapons and other objects up to a ton.
Sheilds - Creates a single plane shield in front of herself, can block small arms and weak lasers.
Flight - using the power from the Striker Unit, she can fly in the atmosphere. Not space capable
Hawkeye - A high degree of spatial awareness in relation to herself and those objects around her
Familiar - Helps control magical abilities. Wolf type.

Weapons and Gear:
Standard ISF gear.
Striker Unit: Recreation of a Republic P-47 Striker Unit.

None in particular

Originally from the moon colony of Armstrong City, Fran completed her schooling with a ROTC progam of the ISF, upon graduation earning a comission to Lieutenant and a spot in the space force. She has been qualified to lead small squad operations, in command of a squad of Avatars in mecha combat or a platoon of infantry when needed on foot.

She was also brought onto a test team which attempted to recreate weapons used in the early 20th century Earth called 'Project SW' that put a magic capable woman on a leg mounted magic amplifier, they would be able to fly, create shields, and give them increased strength. The Imaginos scientists were able to rebuild the devices used at this time to almost perfection to the days' standards. After a rigorous screening period of portential candidates for this project, Fran was found to be the most compatible out of the selection pool of Avatar pilots, who were chosen for already posessing training in combat and piloting.

After a period of additional testing and acclimation to keeping a familiar around, gained with the assistance of a spiritual advisor on the Imaginos at the time, it came time for a live test which to the horror of Fran... required no pants.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-16

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