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Chizuru Date

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Chizuru Date Empty Chizuru Date

Post by TheEvilMidnightBomberWhat Sat Aug 01, 2009 1:23 pm

IRC Nickname: Captain_Tylor

Character Name: Chizuru Date
Original Dimension: Super Robot Wars OG

Race: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 151cm
Weight: 45kg
Likes: Reading, Quiet, occasional flight sim or DDR games, beaches, strawberry ice cream
Dislikes: Loud or overly pushy people, people who don't understand moderation, living in someone's shadow

Physical Description (Or picture): Petite girl under average height with palish sking, glasses and shoulder length platinum blonde hair with lavender highlites.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Psychodriver - Slight precognative powers, generally used in piloting
Computer Genius - reads code almost as well as written language, also can write in it as such
Eidetic Memory - photographic memory

BS in Computer Security - Trained in Data securing, network building, intrusion detection, etc.
Social Engineering training (Computers) - Understands how to undermine networks by walking in and accessing resources though means of disguise or acting like you are supposed to be there. Also trained in all the stupid little places non computer types that may have root are likely to leave their password.
Minor in Electrical Engineering - Understanding of how electrical systems work and are put together, how networks are wired and things of that nature.
150 hours of Farlion flight training (ceremonial)
100 hours of R-1A training

Weapons and Gear:
Personal laptop (High end of 204 space era tech) with video card wired for codebreaking
Electrician's tool pack
butt set (lineman's handset)
ART-1 prototype: 30 years old and in poor repair, but in working order. (Discussed with Xach)

Physically small and weak

Eldest daughter of Ryusei Date and Latooni Subota. After the wars her family retired to the small Medeteranian country of Riksent, where they settled down and raised a family. She grew up as a fairly normal child, though skipped kindergarten and first grade due to her quickness in grasping concepts. Occasionally she would go flying with her father in the EDF, or with her mother in her ceremonial roles as the protector of the Kingdom's Queen. In High School she started taking college credits on the side and was ultimately accepted into MIT. She graduated with a Bachelors of Science at age 19.

Around this time, the Earth Government started once again rounding up Psychodrivers, given her father's position and her mother's closeness to the Queen, instead of going for her Masters (Something she really wanted to do) she found "intern" work with a mutual family friend as a communications technician onboard the Kurogane. Also she was offered training in the use of an old sto...Er borrowed ART-1 unit, but, insisting she was not a pilot but a computer tech, very little training was done on it. She did however take the opportunity to study cooking under the captain.

Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-16

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