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Rima Ysir (revised)

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Rima Ysir (revised) Empty Rima Ysir (revised)

Post by Azriel Sun Jul 26, 2009 4:16 am

IRC Nickname: Azriel or Kanna

Character Name: Rima Ysir (Ree-mah Seer)
Original Dimension: TOR universe

Race: Human/Metahuman
Age: 16
Birth date: September 5th (Born in Shangri-la, North America)
Sex: Female
Height: 4'8"
Weight: 90 lbs.
Likes: Pandas, candy, nice people, girly things, having a family, Eva, and being treated with respect.
Dislikes: Slavery, bad guys, Ioans, being abused or mistreated, being left behind, and being put down just because she's a kid.
Fav. Colors: Pink, white, and black.
Fav. Food: Fruit Parfait
Least Fav. Food: Broccoli

Physical Appearance: Rima looks just about as sweet as any other child her age. Due to her birthright of being born under the Commonwealth of Great Gaia, Rima is not a stranger to her heritage of pale skin. She has some muscular strength in her arms and legs from working and lifting as a servant, but she can still be considered a scrawny little thing. Aside from her pale skin, she looks fairly normal with rosy cheeks and pale, wine-colored eyes. Nevertheless, she is completely blind in both eyes and they have lost their brilliance to a shadow of their former self. Her hair comes in a brilliant golden-amber color and stops short of her mid-shoulders. She has bangs that part into a "V" in the front and usually ties up part of her hair, not all, in buns on the sides of her head by rose-colored ribbons. Rima's face always sports a curious, innocent, or otherwise timid look, the kind of look that can only be gained during the innocence of childhood.

As far as attire, Rima can be found wearing anything a 16 year old would actually wear which includes girly dresses, skirts, stockings, t-shirts, dressy shoes, fancy socks, etc. She has five, black, metal bands that clasp around her ankles, wrists, and neck. These serve to remind her of her class in society and suppress her special abilities from hurting herself in times of great depression and sadness or hurting the one's that she serves in retaliation. The metal is at least 4 inches thick and protected by some kind of sealing technique from being dismantled or broken by magic or weapons. But, with the boundless forms of technology. There is sure to be a possible solution to breaking the bonds that tie her down to her ugly past.

Rima is the one with the brighter hair color and holding the stuffed panda bear.

Powers/Special Abilities:

Telekinesis - An ability she learned at an early stage of her life due to events and birthright. This ability allows Rima to do many, many things with the use of her mind and willpower. This also requires some physical endurance on her part as well, but not much in the way of vitality and dexterity. With the power of her mind and endless possibilities, Rima can move, lift, bend, break, impact, and levitate objects or people. People tend to be much harder to lift since they have their own will and can resist her hold. As of now, she's only capable of moving non-living objects such as chairs, tables, etc that are 20k or less. But over time, those abilities could increase and mature with the proper training and experience.

Energy Shield - Rima will use her telekinesis to form a barrier around herself or another person using the energy and atoms within the air to bend to her will. This can protect the person from physical and spiritual/magical attacks with an invisible-like bubble around them for a brief time, but it has the capabilities of being broken or interrupted as well.

Biological Healing - Rima can use her own psychic energy to heal the wounds of others and herself to some degree of difficultly. She is only capable of healing very small or minor wounds such as scrapes, bruises, and small cuts. She cannot heal any broken bones, damaged organs, internal bleeding, or near death situations.

- She's also blind in both eyes. Her other four senses have opened up a little more refined and better due to her weakness. She has a heightened sense of taste, touch, sound, and smell that are better slightly than regular people. Also, by the loss of her sight, she's gained a 5th sense with the power of telekinesis. Technically, she still maintains a sense of five key senses just that sight was replaced with telekinesis.

Weapons and Gear:
-The five metal bonds that go around her ankles, wrists, and neck that marks her as a slave to a household and suppresses her powers to at least 50% of what they would be. Each ring is a representation of a 10% decrease.
- Her clothing, naturally.
- A bandanna to tie around her eyes sometimes in public places so people can tell she's blind easier.
- A visor that when set over her blind eyes, gives her the ability to "see" in a different sort of vision. This visor over her eyes allows her to see objects and people whether living or non-living through the use of heat signatures and infra-red vision. Everything is doused in a red light and the heat signatures help her distinguish objects from one another by shape and size. Rima mostly uses this only in dangerous situations like battles or other action-based events. She doesn't want to depend on other things to "see" and wants to be independent in some way. She dubs these glasses as "Radar Vision", though the correct name for them is "IRV" visors, which stands for "Infra-Red Vision".

-She's just a small child, so she's susceptible to pretty much anyone bigger than her basically. She can be easily overpowered in terms of physical strength and strategy. So, she can still be hurt or injured by anything such as weapons, brute force, etc.
-She's completely blind in both eyes, so may affect accuracy and focus depending on environmental events and factors.
-Her visor could be taken from her or knocked away too, its not a absolute thing that stays on her face permanently. It's durability is like a pair of refined sunglasses to an extent.
-She's still young and inexperienced as a telekinetic user and needs more focus and training most of the time. So, needs a lot of protection from elsewhere.
-She can be blissfully unaware of dangerous people who try to lure her or other things. She can have a hard time distinguishing if a person is good or bad from not being able to see what they actually look like.
-People are allowed to resist her psychic powers too because of their own free will, willpower, or personal immunities to such a thing.


During the time of peace after the first Interdimensional war, Zachary Ysir and Sierra Anders met in the bustling megalopolis of Shangri-la Metro Complex. Zachary was a former middle ranking Geo-Def soldier coming home on a time of leave. During his stroll through one of the many bustling shopping districts, he came across a young woman standing by a display. She was admiring the fragrant and pleasant view of the flowers being sold, while he was admiring the view of a slim and fairly attractive woman. This woman was Dr. Sierra Anders, a young, promising doctor working at the nearby hospital. The two hit it off easily.

Zachary eventually decided to retire from war life and stay in Shangri-la to live with Sierra and help her pursue her dreams of saving lives and starting a family of her own. A few months later Sierra became pregnant and had to go on leave at the hospital she worked at. Zach cared for the young woman daily until the time came for her to give birth. Eight months later, on September 5th, a little girl was born in the exact same hospital Sierra was working at. The two of them named the child Rima for the way her face was so curious and innocent. Shortly after her birth, Sierra and Zachary noticed how quiet and almost non-interactive the newborn was in their arms. Sierra made a startling discovery and noticed that no matter what she or Zach did, Rima would not react to anything shown in front of her face. It was automatically assumed that Rima was born completely blind in both eyes. No one could figure out how or why this had occurred, but they were not discouraged and wanted to keep the child more than ever.

It was hard for Rima as a newborn, she couldn't see her parent's faces and could only remember them by smell and sound. Over the course of a couple months when Rima learned how to crawl, she started developing other peculiar things. She started moving objects farther away from her to being closer. When Rima wanted her bottle and it was far away sitting on a table, she used some kind of force to bring it to her grabby little hands despite being blind. Sierra and Zachary stood in complete and utter shock at their little girl. It wasn't until after they took Rima to a special doctor that they learned that she had become a metahuman capable of using the power of telekinesis. They were all astonished that she could use such an amazing and dangerous ability at an early age while being blind.

Sierra and Zachary were a little more cautious and careful around Rima now, and even more cautious when bringing her out into public places. Rima was too young to know that her powers were unusual, strange, and even highly sought after by greedy news reporters and scientists. They didn't want their child to become a freak or science project, so in Rima's best interest, they kept her away from other children and home schooled her. Rima, at first, didn't seem to mind the over protectiveness at a younger age, but she soon grew lonely and wanted friends. Suddenly, reporters started swarming their house one evening during dinner. Sierra and Zachary were dumbfounded and went to check things out. They learned that the "special" doctor they had seen for most of Rima's check-ups had leaked out their privacy to the media of Rima being blind and telekinetic. The two were outraged and filed a lawsuit against the doctor who was from another local hospital. The doctor was immediately fired, sent to jail, and the hospital tried to apologize to the family. Nevertheless, the damage had already been done.

Over time, Sierra and Zachary were forced to move out of their small apartment and into another bigger home since Rima was growing and to get away from the media. Things were quiet for a while and they both thought that maybe things were safe and life would be normal again. Sierra went back to her job as a doctor and Zachary would watch over Rima. One day, the family decided to venture out on a shopping trip to ease their stress and give Rima a chance to enjoy herself for a change. The day went on swimmingly with no reporters or anyone hassling them, that is, until later in the evening. As the three were walking home with Rima in her stroller, Sierra pushing, and Zachary carrying all the baggage; a strange man stopped them. The two parents were baffled at first and slightly tense when the man asked for their child's autograph. It wasn't until that phrase that they knew why he asked that and Sierra swooped to cradle Rima in her arms while Zachary dropped the bags and stood protectively in front of his family. Rima was completely unaware of the situation and clung to her mother's shirt, confused and upset at the shouting and screaming.

The unknown man lunged forward to try and take Rima from her mother, before Zach shoved him away forcing the two into a brawl. Sierra held onto Rima tightly and backed away, going to run and hide behind something with her daughter and call the police. The man was a Ioan smuggler overhearing of the blind telekinetic girl through past old news articles, wanting the semi-famous child for all the wrong reasons. Zachary, with his training as a solider, put up an extraordinary fight with the Ioan man. Sierra was calmer at seeing her husband winning and finally, things seemed to be safe. Suddenly, there was a gunshot, a thump on the ground, and a pool of blood sprawling across the concrete. Rima's little body shook with the gunshot and sniffled against her mother who was already screaming and sobbing at the death of her husband. The Ioan lowered the pistol, stepping on Zachary's lifeless corpse as he made his way to Sierra. In her last minute of desperation, Sierra hid Rima behind a pile of trash in an alley and tried to stop the man. She put up a brilliant struggle too, until she was fallen by a gunshot wound to her chest. With the death of her parents, Rima's psychic powers could sense this and she started sobbing immensely, scared and confused. All this emotion led the man easily toward Rima where he picked up the screaming child and held her. Rima was not fooled this time and put up a struggle by trying to hit the man with a nearby trash can using her powers. However, she narrowly missed him because her riled up emotions overwhelmed her focus and caused her to miss along with her blindness not helping the matter. The man silenced the child by a safe sleeping dosage and Rima was knocked out in a matter of minutes as a orphan.

It wasn't long before the smuggler sold Rima to the highest bidder, another Ioan man, though rather popular in his network, who was in the need of a servant for his business. When the business slaver learned of Rima's stardom and her special abilities, he immediately wanted the little tyke for himself to boast and abuse her powers. At age 10, Rima was already dubbed a low-class servant to him. For five years she would be abused and mistreated by the greedy man. He would put her to work in fields, chores, and doing heavy labor that was meant for a grown man to do because of her telekinesis. Rima obeyed him, having no where else to go or turn to, there was no way for her to escape since she was blind and unfamiliar with her new surroundings. She couldn't even use her powers to escape because of the restraints that kept half of her strength away from her fingertips. She was also just a weak, scared, and sad little girl with most of her self-confidence shattered and chipped away. So, Rima dragged on slowly each day until she was discovered by another young man, Travis, who would free her from her slavery and miserable life.

Last edited by Azriel on Fri Jan 15, 2010 7:07 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Just some minor updates)

Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 36
Location : Uniontown, PA

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