The One RPG
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I'm not telling a computer my name!

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I'm not telling a computer my name! Empty I'm not telling a computer my name!

Post by Mainy Wed Jul 22, 2009 12:30 am

IRC Nickname: You know who I am! Damn youngin's... makin' me type more then I have to...

Character Name: Dr. Chesty LaRue
Original Dimension: TOR Dimension!

Race: Not... really... sure.
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 130lbs
Likes: Carrots, fun times, needles.
Dislikes: Ginger, DBZ like manga.

Physical Description (Or picture):
I'm not telling a computer my name! 12373655

Powers and Special Abilities: None. Really. I mean that. Other then she's a great doctor.

Weapons and Gear: No weapons. She has a doctors bag that she carries basic medical supplies in for first aid.

Weaknesses: She enjoys a good man. Really, she has a weakness for men. Other then that, she's a normal human being.


Chester (That's right, that's her first name. Her father really wanted another boy) grew up with an average family, 2 brothers and her parents. Unfortunately, when she was rather young, her father developed a serious illness, and passed away. She was devistated, having been so close to her father. They would go on camping trips, and while she got along fine with her brothers, her father always had a special place for his little girl. He never got to meet her first boyfriend, her first crush, her first heartbreak. She decided she would do her best to help others, and became a doctor. A very good doctor.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-07-21

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