The One RPG
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Silina Starmen

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Silina Starmen Empty Silina Starmen

Post by Solya Mon Jul 20, 2009 2:15 pm

IRC Nickname:Solya

Character Name:Silina Starmen
Original Dimension:#TORPG

Likes:Money, Flirting, Her Gun, Sexy Men, Free Food.
Dislikes:Empty Wallet, Empty Belly, Anything that takes her off the ground, and Herself.

Physical Description (Or picture)

Powers and Special Abilities:No Real "Special" abilities or powers, Silina is a pretty good shot with her gun, but excels at lying and using her charm and looks to distract those she plans on stealing from or attacking.

Weapons and Gear:Hyper Pistol, a Custom built hand gun, was intended for military use but was part of a cargo her crew hijacked, at the moment it is the only one of its kind, what sets it apart from most other handguns is the built in generator allowing to recharge itself removing the use of energy cells or normal ammunition, being shot with the hyper pistol is the same has being shot with an assault shotgun. The generator also allows it to pierce all armor and most small shield generators only a powerful shield generator would be able to stop the shots.

Weaknesses:Electricity, do to many run ins with not so trust worthy people Silina has acquired many battle scars to show, one of which is right in the center of her chest, her lungs and heart where damaged in one of her many battles, the damaged organs needed to be removed quickly, in their place now rest cybernetic organs. These new organs can be reset with a small amount of electricity such as a stun gun shock, or even destroyed with a more powerful shock.

Background:Silina Starmen was Born into a well off family, her father wanted to travel though space more then anything else, at the age of six her father finally was able to take his family into the depths of space, but with that day came a price for his victory.
Just like in the days of traveling the high seas, pirates where reborn in the stars. That day her fathers ship was attacked, looted, and Destroyed, among money, food and other valuables Silina and her mother were taken aboard the pirates ship. Some of the most horrible things imaginable happened to Silina's mother, but in a short time her mother was no longer around, she never knew what happened, just that she was gone.
Days turn into weeks, weeks into months, months into years, and before she knew it, Silina was one of them, the years kept rolling by as she continued to loot, steal and murder, most of her childhood memories gone faded away with her mother.
Twenty years later Silina and her crew are on a deep space run, all is going well until she over hears a few of the older members reminiscing, they being talking about how Silina came about to be on the ship and what happened with her mother to some of the new guys. One of the new guys says "I wish i was here for that party!" just then the older members say they recorded it for the fun of it.
Silina peers around the corner to see the video of the brutality happening to her mother, as the anger builds in her, she catches a glimpse of a small girl standing in the background crying, she could watch no more. Needless to say Silina's rage left her crew in ruins during the shoot out parts of the ship was damaged , the ship its can no longer fly and is drifting like dead wight now. As Silina clams down she turns on the distress beacon, and to save on life support energy sets it to its safest lowest setting and enters cryo sleep drifting and hoping for help.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2009-07-20
Age : 43
Location : Ohio

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