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Aminah Akers

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Aminah Akers Empty Aminah Akers

Post by Horo Sun Jul 19, 2009 4:42 pm

IRC Nickname: Horo

Character Name: Aminah Akers
Original Dimension: TORVerse Original

Race: Human
Age: 22
Sex: Female
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 117lbs
Likes: Flying, spacefaring, profits, Daredevilness
Dislikes: Pirates, Middlemen, being beat around the bush

Physical Description (Or picture):
A young girl in her early 20's, has a head of blonde hair in a short bob cut, blue eyes and a pretty boyish looking figure when in her pilot jumpsuit who could be mistaken for being male from a distance. She is never without a cigarette in her mouth, a perpetual chain smoker who is either awake and smoking, or off in a corner somewhere sleeping, preferably in the cockpit of her ship. She has a fair complexion with light tan marks around her eyes from a pair of goggles and a look that would mark her as attractive if it wasn't for the grease marks and minor cuts and scrapes that usually reside on her face, hands, and arms. During her time away from the aerodrome, she wears a short dress, coming down to her knees or on occasion a men's three piece suit.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Piloting - Acrobatic and daredevil pilot. Can pull most maneuvers, even in her cargo ship and also judge by sight if her ship will fit through, above, or under an obstacle.
Mechanics - Knows enough to troubleshoot and keep her ships in running shape, especially the engines. Able to jury rig repairs if needed, but doesn't know enough to do major repairs or overhauls.
Negotiation - Has knowlege in negotiating contracts and prices effectively
Tinkerer - Likes to soup up her ships with the help of Elizabeth, upgrading engines, weapons, new parts etc.

Weapons and Gear:
Noah's Ark: A disguised armed cargoship to hide its weapon turrets and supress energy signatures from its onboard weapon systems. Codename 'Trojan Horse' when undisguised.,_First_Contact.jpg/400px-USS_Defiant,_First_Contact.jpg
Shuttlecraft: A Small 2 person shuttlecraft docked within the Trojan Horse's docking bay.

Profit Minded, does not work under obligation to anyone unless contracted and will take costs and risks into consideration for 'favors'

The daughter of a family who after the first interdimentional war went into a family business, her older brother a retired war veteran and pilot, and father an enterpeneur who sought to earn a pretty penny by taking advantage of the options offered in the land of trade and cargo hauling to assist the areas rebuilding after the battles of the first interdimentional war. Her mother was a supportive housewife who took care of the advertisements and negotiations where they would perform along with their finances.

Aminah worked with her family until she broke out on her own after having saved up a fine sum of money she set out to find new jobs in the field while her family settled back down in Armstrong City their new riches.

Aminah went on with her partner and mechanic, Elizabeth Martin in search for a job anywhere that her ship would take her. Their travels first brought them to Shangri-la where they started running goods and people between major areas of the surviving North American cities, mainly Shangri-la and the Co-op, but occasionally flights to the moon to Armstrong City. This was one of her slow times where she managed to pick up on the inner workings of the ships she flew, as well as trained on different classes of ships that she was able to get her hands on.

After the breakout of the second interdimentional war, Elizabeth has opted to stay behind on the Imaginos station where they set up shop with contracts running supplies from the war front and back. She currently has a set of robot droids for maintenance and loading/unloading supplies as well as a small contingent of Space Marines for security while planetside.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-16

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