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Major Vesper Benjamin

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Major Vesper Benjamin Empty Major Vesper Benjamin

Post by The Friend Sun Jul 19, 2009 3:53 pm

IRC Nickname: Friend/Ershin

Character Name: Vesper Belle Benjamin
Original Dimension: Dimension 010 (TOR)

Race: Human (Artificial Metahuman)
Age: 36
Sex: Female
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 149 lbs.
Likes: Reading, Honesty, Hard Work
Dislikes: Pettiness, Backbiting, Unnecessary dissension and undermining

Major Vesper Benjamin Vesper-1
Physical Description (Or picture): Vesper is a tall woman with sandy brown hair and a fair build. She keeps her bobbed or cropped, usually kept at a reasonable length. She dislikes ostentatious clothing and therefore usually wears her uniform or fatigues.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Astolpho Command Authority: Through genetic engineering and surgery, Vesper has changed her own genetic makeup and replaced her own eyes to bypass the extensive security biometrics aboard the Astolpho.
Second Sight: Due to the Callistan bloodline of the de la Rojas family, Second Sight allows Vesper to sometimes catch a possible glimpse of a future that may or may not occur. The accuracy of this is determined by dice roll or subject to the mission GM’s discretion. These glimpses also temporarily daze Vesper for a full minute.

Weapons and Gear:

ISF-37-S Aegis handgun “Danica” – A modified Aegis Handgun with an integrated, enhanced computer-operated aiming system with a biometrical grip for extra security.

Imaginos Uniforms: Uniforms issued by the Imaginos Space Force. The suits are black and trimmed in scarlet, the official colors of the Imaginos.

LACCRA Body Armor: A bodysuit that withstand small-to-mid caliber handgun fire and some directed-energy based attacks or directed-energy weapons fire.

Weaknesses: Due to the complicated procedures she had to endure to reconstruct her genome and the complete eye, optic nerve and optic chiasm transplant, Vesper has to take supplements to prevent a cell-mediated immunity from cropping up, therefore weakened her own immune system. Without these supplements, she is susceptible to various viruses and bacterial infections. Also, due to the nature of acquiring the ability to have second sight, she sometimes suffers severe headaches after glimpsing into a possible future.

Background: Vesper was born in 3109 in the small mining town of LaGrange on Vesta, located within the Belt Colonies. At age four, Vesper’s father, an agronomist, moved them to the newly founded city of Shangri-La in the Commonwealth where he was hired by the government. Vesper lived a quiet life with her parents and younger sister, Danica, for several years. As a student with decent marks and a good grade average, it was felt as if Vesper would follow in the family tradition of agricultural development.

However, Vesper would shock her family by enrolling into the Gaian Ministry of Geo-spatial Intelligence and Strategic Defense (Geo-Def)’s system-renown Tobias Andersen Military Academy at age 17. It was here that Vesper thrived and she quickly took to the structured lifestyle of the Academy and of Geo-Def. Vesper rose quickly in the student ranks of Academy and was even allowed to attend the monumental signing of the trade agreements between the Macrocosmic Concern and the Marcien Sovereignty aboard the Deimos Station Imaginos in September 3130. As she sat with her classmates, examining the aged James Grander sign the piece of parchment carefully before handing the quill to the Sovereignty’s Grand Cross that she realized that she had found her calling in protecting the peace being brokered that day.

She did not know, however, that this peace would soon be shattered by the very man she had seen little more than a year earlier. The Concern had committed an unspeakable and unforgivable atrocity of the Martian Genocide, an attack that cost the lives of over 500 million people and nearly destroyed the Imaginos in the process. Vesper and the Andersen cadets were called into action Vesper was placed in an Imaginos Space Force Avatar to fight the Concern’s mechanized battalion at the skirmishes near her home in the Commonwealth.

After the pushback known as Egret’s Gambit and the System Alliance’s decisive victory over the Concern in the First War, Vesper was happily reunited with her family after the invasion. She was lucky enough to not have lost any of them in the war, but she had known many who had lost everything dear to them. This spurred her into officially enlisted into the ISF after only one week of respite. Though she hadn’t officially graduated from the Andersen Academy officers’ program, she was given the opportunity of a lifetime by being promoted to an Officer Cadet for her service and merit in the war.

As the years passed and the System tried its best to recover from the First War, the unexpected attack by the unknown terrorist occurred and spurred the beginning of the Second War. Vesper, who had ascended to the rank of Major, was placed in the forefront of the invasion forces into Dimension 001. During the first four years of the war, Vesper had proven herself to be selfless time and time again, but not many knew of her other great sacrifice to the cause of peace that happened in 3143.

In 3143, the former Concern warship known as the Astolpho had been discovered in a dimensional crevasse by Imaginos spatial engineers in Dimension 010. To their surprise, the warship had already been in contact with Dimension 010 and retrofitted with top-of-the-line security measures by the former Grand Cross of the Knighthood and Cielo Azul aspirant Silvia de la Rojas of Callisto. The biometrics on the Astolpho were extensive and only accepted a full-blooded, genetically similar member of the de la Rojas family.

Since Silvia herself had disappeared some years ago and her family killed in the Blue Heaven Uprisings on New Europa, the Imaginos had no possible genetic match to assume control over the desperately needed warship. It was at the suggestion of one of the bioengineers to possible rewrite the genetic code of one of the commanders within the Imaginos to allow them to access to the ship’s vital functions and helm control. After lengthy consideration and numerous discussions about the ramifications of their actions, it was decided that Vesper would be approached for the project. Without fail, she did not hesitate when she obliged to help them in whatever way she could.

After several sessions of genetic recombination using samples of de la Rojas’ DNA left from a note and a complete ocular transplant to match the retinal pattern of Silvia’s too, in little more than two years time, the Imaginos’ bioengineers felt as if they had done the impossible. Vesper had gone through hell and had nearly died several times for this venture. On the brink of mental breakdown from sheer exhaustion, she was happy to learn that the reconstruction was complete.

While the war raged on in Dimension 001, the members of the scientific cadre of the Imaginos held their collective breath as Vesper sat down in the Captain’s chair of the Astolpho. The last year of time replayed in her mind as the biometrics system examined her; the painful sessions of injections, observation for several days on end like an animal, being effectively blind for nearly a month and the fact that she would need to remain on medicine to live for the rest of her life. Was this worth it? Just to pilot one ship?

As the systems of the Astolpho powered up due to its noblesse oblige system, she felt as if the answer was a resounding ‘yes.’ Now all she had to do was wait for the retrofitting and upgrade of the Astolpho to assume command and contribute her part to the war once more. She still wonders if her answer would have been yes if the experiment had failed.
The Friend
The Friend

Posts : 29
Join date : 2009-07-11
Age : 40
Location : From Dreamland

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