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Lute Reinhardt / Lucia Song-Zu

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Lute Reinhardt / Lucia Song-Zu Empty Lute Reinhardt / Lucia Song-Zu

Post by huangable Sun Jul 19, 2009 12:42 am

IRC Nickname: Space-Bird

Character Name: Lute Reinhardt / Lucia Song-Zu
Original Dimension: TOR

Race: Human/Meta-Human
Age: 22
Sex: F
Height: 5'10
Weight: 110
Likes: Music, Poetry, Math, Logic
Dislikes: Cults, Bad Music & Art, Loud Noises....people who infringe upon her peace and quiet...

Physical Description (Or picture):

Lute Reinhardt / Lucia Song-Zu L-reinhardt

Powers and Special Abilities:

She's an excellent musician, she can play various instruments, from woodwinds, to the piano, to stringed instruments (she doesn't quite have the chops for brass, though). Her favorite instruments to play are the Guitar and the Oboe. She's well versed in music, from old-earth classical, to Martian fugues...

Sharp Shooting: Lute has excellent marksmanship, especially at long distances, most likely enhanced due to Hyugens-Cassini Syndrome

Cryptography: She has an uncanny talent for deciphering and ascertaining information

Hyugens-Cassini Syndrome: A rare anomaly to those born within or near the rings of Saturn caused by various magnetic and gravitational fields. The effects of HCS are wide ranging, and different from person to person, but those who survive the first 2 years of life, tend to function well within society despite their altered brain states.

Wide Spectrum Synesthesia: A common trait amongst people with HCS, they have the ability to see a wider range of light spilling into the ultraviolet and infrared. They tend to see colors when music is played, words are read, or paranormal/hyper dimensional phenomena occur.

Psychometry: Linked to WSS, Lucia tends to have uncanny insights when touching objects that have important links to others...

Mild Clairvoyance/Precognition: Linked to Pyschometry and Synethesia, it is said people with Hyugens-Cassini Syndrome are able to predict events that have yet to happen, and seem to be able to uncannily read people and their surroundings, as if they have ESP. This is of course debated, and some scientists believe it's simply a side effect of the wider visual spectrum

Skills and Training:
Lucia knows her way around fire arms, can pilot various machines, but is too frail for hand-to-hand combat.

Weapons and Gear:


Lucia wears special spectrum dampening goggles. Like most people with HCS, the enhanced visual spectrum leads to headaches...

Lucia is also prone to headaches from bad music, gaudy art, and harsh noises...Her 'abilities' have trouble working when her other senses are being bombarded..she needs her quiet time.

Background: Lucia's background remains a mystery. Little is known about her, but what is known is that she was born on Titan, her parents are most likely deathblessed, and she has Hyugens-Cassini Syndrome, which means deathblessed mental metamorphosis would more than likely kill Lucia or drive her insane. Lucia was born blind, and unable to see until the age of 2, she had a 68% chance of death.
At the age of 16, Lucia joined the Anomie, an anti-deathblessed group under the pseudonym "Lute Reinhardt". She has been sent to Imaginos to appeal for the cause against the deathblessed

Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-07-11

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