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Gilbert Chevalier Longueuil

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Gilbert Chevalier Longueuil Empty Gilbert Chevalier Longueuil

Post by Great_Mazinger Tue Nov 16, 2010 11:44 am

IRC Nickname: Sparda

Character Name: Gilbert Chevalier Longueuil
Original Dimension: 010

*Name: Gilbert Chevalier Longueuil.
*Age: 24
*Sex: Male
*Origin: Advanced Avatar Training Program.
*Birthday: Dec 17th.
*Specialty: Avatar piloting, military lifestyle.

*Physical Stats
**Height: 5'10"
**Weight: 170lbs
**Eyes: Blue
**Hair: Black
**Special: Nothing.

Gilbert was born and bred to pilot Avatars. This isn't just a metaphor. He was literally designed from a zygote up to be an Avatar pilot. Realizing the future of spatial warfare relied on exceptional pilots, the Advanced Avatar Training Program was founded, and began experimenting with the very nature of what makes a good pilot. Gilbert was one of those projects they had begun to try to replicate the special ESP abilitis of certain pilots. Grown from conception with designer genes, he was supposed to be raised in a special training program to be a perfect pilot, the 3P scenario (Perfect Pilot Program).<br>
As he grew up learning how to be a pilot with others from his group, the Program eventually switched it's focus from perfectly trained pilots to
actual psychics, when they got to work with Rose Cavalcanti. Her scores and special skills made her the top pilot of the training program
based purely on her special powers and natural gifts. As such, the program tried to emulate those abilities and granted what they could
replicate onto some of their already designer pilots.<br>
The first few attempts tended to end catastrophically. People with constant headaches, delusions, split personalities.. many pilots were lost.
But with each new development in technology, they finally came to perfect the Artificial Esper System, of which the most promising result was
Gilbert. He was a fully functional Artificial Esper Pilot, able to read thoughts and minds, especially in combat, giving him precognitive abilities.

'''ESP - Empathic Precognition:''' Gilbert can sense enemies' aggression or general mood, especially inside an Avatar. This allows him to gauge
approximately what the opponent is going to do and better avoid them, as well as reflexively react to attacks as they happen, or some rare
times, before. However, this is purely related to other sentients. Machines or traps will work on him without giving him an edge. Note that he
can usually tell whatever a person is feeling if it's literally overtaking their mindstate, but in combat and within is Avatar, he is more aware.<br>

''AVATAR Piloting:'' Incredible.
''Military Training:'' Very Good.
''Shooting:'' Very Good.
''Mechanical:'' Good.

==Weapons & Gear==
'''Custom Avatar - Wing Knight:''' Personalized AVATAR, made by the Advanced Avatar Training Program to maximize performance. Basically a
usual AVATAR but with a special set of weaponry called Daggers, which are ESP controlled. the Daggers are high speed twin use weapons,
launched from the AVATAR and moving to impale the enemy weapons, then release microwaves into the systems and the parts, causing it to
either explode or just shut down. they can also be used to cut down melee weapons due to their blade-like stature.<br>

'''Issues:''' Gilbert has a case of consistant paranoia underlying in most of what he does, as well as slightly off balance ambition. He sees
himself as a superior pilot and more important than he is, he constantly feels his superiors underestimate him, and he tends to assume the
enemy isn't as big a threat to him as they could be, even if he's 100% aware of how dangerous a person is to a fellow pilot. His paranoia may
lead to him letting a ''better'' pilot fend for himself in a battle even when he should help.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-01-07

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