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Danielle Artois

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Danielle Artois Empty Danielle Artois

Post by Iliili Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:32 am

IRC Nickname: Iliili

Character Name: Danielle Artois
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Human
Age: 23
Sex: Female
Height: 175 cm
Weight: 127 lbs
Eye Color: Teal/hazel
Hair Color: Brunette
Likes: Danielle enjoys simple living. She doesn't mind working hard to attain her goals, but she enjoys the decline of effort more than the trouble it takes to get there. She loves being surrounded by wealth and enjoys her personal substance habits. She has a particular fondness for horticulture and plants.

Dislikes: Danielle abhors injuring herself when it cripples her athletic lifestyle. She absolutely will not tolerate putrid odors and can easily be sickened from them. She hates being bossed around, but is willing to put up with limited strain in a business environment.

Physical Description (Or picture):

Danielle is best described as being passionate, adaptive, highly athletic and open-minded. A vibrant French girl with brown hair worn in a ponytail and hazel/aqua eyes which shimmer in the sunlight like a glistening water's edge. She can sometimes have an impatient way of standing and holding her posture, making her seem younger than she is.

Weapons and Gear:

- Alpstech running shoes
- Alpstech climbing gloves
- Alpstech runner bag

Powers and Special Abilities:

Gymnastic conditioning - Danielle has near-mastery over her functional strength, creativity, fluidity, control, coordination, precision and spatial awareness. She has trained her body to overcome harrowing jumps and perform exemplary feats of balance, agility and motor coordination.

Traceuse Parkour - The art of Parkour is the physical discipline of training to overcome any obstacle within one's path by adapting one's body and movements to the environment. While freerunning is more centered on expressing yourself within your environment, Danielle's expertise lies in simply aiming to get from A to B the fastest.


Drug habituation: Danielle's condition, despite her physical fitness, results from the repeated consumption of drugs. Its characteristics include (1) a desire (but not a compulsion) to continue taking the drug for the sense of improved well-being which it engenders, (2) little or no tendency to increase the dose, and (3) some degree of psychic dependence on the effect of the drug, but absence of physical dependence and hence of an abstinence syndrome (withdrawal).

Civil disobedience: Danielle harbors an active refusal to obey certain laws, demands, and commands of certain governments/international power.


Early life

Danielle was born in 3122 to Mirabelle Decourchelle; a commercial banker, and Bishop Artois; a financial analyst. Raised amongst the rich and influential, the careers of her parents often left them with little time to personally tend to their daughter's attention, nurturing what would later manifest as a fierce sense of independence and parental disobedience. To make up for this shortcoming, Danielle's parents took her with them on business trips and tried to enforce her into following in their footsteps. Ultimately, this would fail.


When Danielle turned twenty, she forsook the white-collar career her parents had attempted to imprint upon her. In an attempt to recapture the essence of her childhood (the main difference being decisions made by her own will), Danielle chose to leave home and travel abroad, picking her way through innumerable low-end jobs and bouncing between cities. Eventually, Danielle began a recreational drug habit. Not without poetic irony, she later utilized the lessons of business trade her parents wished so desperately of her and became involved with black market drug trading. Through this gateway, Danielle began to establish contacts in Liberty, pulling double-duty as an information courier.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-08-10

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