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Sonja Kowalski

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Sonja Kowalski Empty Sonja Kowalski

Post by Leangle Sun Sep 26, 2010 5:22 pm

IRC Nickname:

Character Name: Sonja Kowalski
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Europan
Age: 27
Sex: Female
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 154 lbs
Likes: AVATARs, powered armor, keeping busy, holonet for when she's not busy, and history
Dislikes: Meatheads, snotty elitist people such as the Callistans, lazy people (such as the Callistans, as she sees it), Jurai

Physical Description (Or picture):
Sonja is tall and well built, like an Amazon (or Wonder Woman, same thing). Her hair is dark red and hip length, though she keeps it tamed in a tight braid. Her eyes are dark green with a line of almost golden hazel around the rim of her iris, giving them a rather striking appearance. In all, she could be a holonet model, if she didn't prefer to be covered in grease and working hard on the latest engineering project that interests her. Due to her work ethic, Sonja prefers to wear simple, functional clothing.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Notable Skills-
AVATAR Piloting - Although Sonja has never gotten to actually pilot one of her beloved machines, she has logged countless hours in her own personal sim training. While she could not surpass the ability of a metahuman, she is fairly decent and is mindful of the machine's limits and capabilities.

Engineering, General - Sonja has been interested in machinery since the age she could carry tools. While she enjoys tinkering with AVATARs the most, she is well versed in the 'basics' and quite capable of repairing most modern machinery.

Research & Development Engineering, AVATARs - Sonja's passion for AVATARs and general knack for engineering drives her to be one of the top independent R&D Engineers in the system. She is constantly seen drawing up schematics for unique new armaments and upgrades, including ones that probably won't be possible in her lifetime, such as her prized project of making power armors with the same abilities of a full sized AVATAR... but she still schemes them up, just in case something should become available. Nonetheless, her knowledge of AVATARs makes her an incredible repairwoman, capable of diagnosing and fixing problems in half the time a pilot could.

Other Skills-
Sonja knows some hand-to-hand self defense and how to use a firearm, as well as a bit of business savvy, but none of this really interests her so she doesn't practice or use it unless absolutely necessary.

Code - Sonja believes that everyone has their place and should not need to invade others' places and cause unnecessary strife. She would jump at the opportunity to set the system right, if given the chance.

Europan Fortitude - Surprisingly tough and strong for a human, though this is more 'typical fullblooded Europan' than anything remotely metahuman.

Weapons and Gear:
Sonja has her own personal datapad and her own personal set of tools.

Stubbornness - Sonja is a classic example of Europan stubborness. She refuses to give up on the thought that even the most outlandish AVATAR upgrades are impossible now or in the future, and continues to dream up other outlandish upgrades. This stubbornness extends to other things, such as a strong distrust of Callistans due to her code, even if the New Warsaw Uprising took place over a century ago, and a seething outrage at the usurpers of the CoG.

Sonja was born to one of the wealthiest families on Europa, living in relative comfort in the city of New Warsaw. Her life was relatively boring, leading her brilliant but underchallenged mind to wander. This was what inspired her interest in engineering, as she began dismantling anything she could get her hands on from the age she could pick up a tool. Unlike most childhood interests, this one did not fade as she grew, and intensified when she entered university and learned of a special AVATAR engineering course. Seeing the AVATAR as the ultimate challenge, she threw herself into the studies and left the university Magna cum Laude with a Doctorate in Engineering. While she has been given many offers for her skills, she has refused every single one... wishing to join with a group that wants to change the system for the better, not one that wants change to line their pockets with gold, or needing slave labor since their blue-blooded bodies are too weak and useless for real work. ...Thus, she waits to join Revenant.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2009-07-16

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