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Solitaire Empty Solitaire

Post by Hydra Wed Sep 22, 2010 11:38 pm

IRC Name: Hydra

Character Name: Solitaire
Original Dimension: Claims to be 010, but uncomfirmed
Race: Human (claims to be Martian)
Age: Unknown, appears to be mid to late 20s
Sex: female
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 153 pounds
Likes: Chaos, Asymmetry, a good joke or story over drinks, general mischief
Dislikes: Ah, but that would be telling~

Physical Description (Or picture): When on a mission Solitaire sports her domino suit. Outside of missions, Solitaire favors form fitting clothes but covering that give off her figure while leaving a lot to the imagination. Her skin is a bit on the pale side, her head shaved bald, although if asked why that is she merely gives a shrug. Her blue eyes generally sport the sparkle of someone up to no good, and her lips are always pulled into a perma-smirk, as if she's in on a joke that no one else is. These lips also hide a set of perfect teeth, although they seem almost *too* white.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Clouded Mind: Through unknown mechanisms, Solitaire's mind and aura are unable to be properly read, coming off as "static" to anyone that tries. She's told dozens of different stories to anyone that cares enough to ask as to why this is, so it's not likely that the actual truth will be revealed anytime soon.

Weapons and Gear:
Domino Suit: Perhaps the most unique piece of equipment possessed by Solitaire, the domino suit is normally a black and white colored full body suit, similiar both in form and function to a standard LACCRA. When activated, however, it either generates a field that bends the light around the wearer (similiar to the stealth on a LACCRA-S) or throws up a brilliant array of patterns and colors around the wearer, obstructing proper view of the wearer and making it more difficult to tell where the light ends and the person begins. The suit also features a full-head mask, which includes a rebreather, a comm unit and an occulus.

Flip Belt: A device that distorts the gravitational pull in the area immediately surrounding the wearer, the flip belt allows Solitaire to perform great acrobatic feats, as well as ignore terrain and obstacles that might slow down others.

Combat Drugs: These drugs enhance Solitaire's strength and agility, as well as increase her pain threshold, but feature a variety of drawbacks, as noted below.

Joker's Wild: The name Solitaire gave one of her rather unique guns, the Joker's Wild is a small single-shot grenade launcher which shoots specially designed grenades filled with a chemical that has hallucinogenic properties. She has a very limited supply of these (12 total), and never carries more than 3 at a time on a mission.

Aces & Eights: Solitaire's other gun, the Aces & Eights is an eight shot revolver that has a stopping power equivilent to that of an ARES.

One odd duck: Solitaire possesses a number of traits that she sticks to without fail for psychological reasons. There are too many to really list here, but it's not unusual for her to do things like count her steps out loud (hopping instead of stepping every thirteenth one), lay on the floor with her feet propped up on a chair, and various other things that would make other people scratch their heads in confusion.

Twitchy: A side effect of her combat drugs, Solitaire can suffer spontaneous bouts of paranoia, hear noises that aren't there, have an erratic sleeping schedule or other side effects that just contribute to people thinking she's a bit weird and/or crazy.

Compulsive liar: This one is hard to prove due to the lack of documentation of her life, but with how many different stories she tells it seems to many as if Solitaire lies constantly about pretty much everything for the sake of doing it.

Background: If Solitaire is to be believed, she was born in Dimension 010 on Mars, and was a child when The Ziz destroyed the planet. Instead of being killed like so many of her people, however, Solitaire found herself thrown to another world. She either can't or won't explain how this happened, but she tells a great many stories of her many (contradictory) adventures as she grew to adulthood. She ended up back in the system roughly two years ago, again being unable or unwilling to explain how she managed to get back. She has displayed a vast amount of skill in both technology and information gathering, allowing her to make a living in the outer portion of the system.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-06

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