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Arashi Masaki

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Arashi Masaki Empty Arashi Masaki

Post by Exacerangutan Sat Jul 18, 2009 6:05 am

IRC Nickname: Exacerangutan

Character Name: Arashi Masaki
Original Dimension: TOR

Race: Juraian
Age: 18 (she just turned 18 on June 9th)
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 120lbs
Likes: absurdly spicy foods; singing; flirting; grand flashy heroism; protecting friends and family; awfully improbable stories about her maternal grandfather, which she will insist all really happened; all kinds of romantic notions and things she can't do with her parents around
Dislikes: anything smacking of injustice or tyranny; chocolate; restricted self-expression
Voice Actor: Orisaka Ai

Physical Description (Or picture):
Arashi combines many characteristics of her mother and paternal grandmother; most obviously, she has her paternal grandmother's eyes (with bright golden irises and long lashes), and her mother's silvery-white hair. Like both her mother and grandmother, she's starting to develop a traffic-stopping figure. She also has sort of wolfish ears. Although she's able to alter the color of her hair and eyes (as well as her figure) with her limited shape-shifting ability, her body naturally 'resets' to this default when she isn't deliberately altering it; in particular, she tends to make her eyes and ears look more "normal" when in the company of people who might be put off by her natural appearance. Although she's usually inclined towards mischievous grins, Arashi is most quintessentially a creature of innocence and romanticism, and can be absolutely awwwwwww-inspiring under the right circumstances.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Enhanced Senses: Arashi has inherited from her mother superhumanly strong senses of smell and hearing.
Physical Attributes: Arashi, because of the peculiar combination of her parents' genetics, is exceptionally strong and resilient, even by metahuman standards, able to lift several tons and get knocked through buildings without more than some bruises; she will likely get stronger with time and dedicated training, as her abilities mature completely. Very sharp weapons and high-power energy weapons obviously are still very dangerous, and her toughness doesn't always protect well against supernatural attacks.
Limited Shapeshifting: Another idiosyncratic effect of the combination of her parents' genetics, Arashi is able to alter her body to a limited degree. She doesn't have the kind of mastery to imitate another person or to change completely into anther creature or make other such radical alterations, but she is able to alter pigmentation or extend her limbs or fingers, and her hair is voluntarily mobile. This also gives her a dramatically accelerated rate of healing from normal damage, fast enough that relatively minor injuries can be seen repairing themselves; however, this healing rate is much closer to normal human healing when her injuries have supernatural origins, such as demons, and she heals generically "holy" injuries substantially slower than a normal human.
Plasma Mastery: Arashi has the ability, inherited from her father, to generate and manipulate high-energy plasmas, including normal fires. She can control their shape and increase or decrease their energy density (ergo temperature), and can induce them to generate partitioning fields, essentially forming something like solid holograms. Her ability to produce such plasma-constructs is limited to fairly simple objects like melee weapons and "toy model" representations of objects, and the more complicated a construct is, the more concentration it requires. Arashi mostly uses this to generate weapons to satisfy her image-consciousness, and to form solid barriers; a construct is only as strong as Arashi's concentration and strain against a construct translates directly to mental strain.
Flight: Arashi is able to propel herself at up to a couple hundred miles per hour, although there probably won't be much call for that sort of thing aboard a space station.
Limited Teleportation: Theoretically, Arashi can teleport, although she has very little practice and the ability is still in a developmental stage. At present, it is really only safe for her to teleport in line-of-sight, and even then she remains disoriented for a second or two, and somewhat winded because there is a great deal of waste energy released. This mostly takes the form of an erratic burst of red light and heat which can injure allies but is not guaranteed to seriously harm enemies, making it both hazardous and unreliable as an attack, and preventing her from bringing anyone (or anything heat-sensitive) with her. Although in theory she could teleport out of line-of-sight, it would require absolute concentration, would be extremely disorienting, and would risk seriously hurting anyone in the area, as well as the usual requirement of the location being a familiar one. Someday, she may get it down, but for the present it's really pretty impractical.

Weapons and Gear:
Arashi doesn't normally carry any weapons or other significant tools, generally confident (usually overconfident) in her ability to handle any situation with brute force and occasionally a bit of cleverness. She does, however, have a very large wardrobe, and a traditional headpiece-type Key which is really only good for contacting Jurai, since Tsunami has yet to recover from centuries of suppression. This would be more important if Jurai weren't committed to its own war and unable to provide the Solar System with any significant military support.

Overconfidence: Although she tries to be humble, Arashi knows she's extremely powerful, and so rarely hesitates to throw herself into the forefront of any situation where there's something heroic to be done, and often only realizes the mistake after she's in way over her head; at the same time, since her bravado is largely born of her exaggerated sense of invulnerability, she may panic when faced with something that can do worse than leave her with some bruises for a few minutes. Similarly, being extremely passionate and excitable, it isn't too hard to get her riled up in all kinds of different ways, making her something of a liability in some delicate situations.
"Mass" Metastability: Since the "Mass" part of her father's genetics used her maternal youkai energy pattern as an integral part of its structural code, if this energy is dissipated, her physical structure will be severely degraded; therefore, she is severely vulnerable to anything that attacks "demonic" energy. Although immunized against Juraian energy by her paternal heritage, this typically includes most things classified as "holy" energy, but is really case-by-case. Not only does her special toughness not help against "holy" attacks at all, but even close proximity can cause serious burns which can take days to heal, and actual "holy" weapons and energy can reduce affected parts of her body to inert muck.
Inexperience: Although she's had tutors in all kinds of areas, Arashi is still young and very much a greenhorn; she can fight pretty well, but can be maneuvered and manipulated by more experienced people. She's grown up very sheltered, and most of her desire to fight for justice, however intense, comes from stories she's heard, and not from actually personally witnessing injustice, which can lead her to having a lot of completely impractical and unrealistic ideas, and there's a danger of her horribly horribly bungling anything in which she's not properly guided and restrained, since she's really never had to learn hard lessons from experience, yet.
Knows Her Own Strength: In contrast to her bravado, knowing how dangerous she could be, Arashi is utterly horrified almost to the point of neurosis at the possibility of hurting anyone she cares about it any way. While she tends to be extremely reckless with herself, she will also do anything in her power to protect those she's close to---often to the point of foolishness---and will be very seriously shaken if she believes she's failed to protect them, or worse yet, that she's harmed them herself.

At some point towards the end of the old TOR arc, Takeo found Akemi, and they went off to see space together, and wound up returning to Jurai, where Takeo somewhat reluctantly revealed himself to the Nobility as the long-lost Crown Prince, and after some offscreen mission to take care of the Miyako problem, established a sort of constitutional monarchy, vowing to deal with Seiryu's new rebellion and to restore Jurai to its former glory. Akemi eagerly accepted the recently-developed Godless Cure to rid herself of her partial transformation, and with some urging from advisors (although it didn't take very much), Takeo and Akemi were married in Juraian tradition. Almost a year later, they had a girl child, and named her Arashi.

Arashi grew up a child of the Court, very sheltered and carefully protected, but also in a warm, loving home. She had tutors for every imaginable subject to prepare her for an adult life among the Juraian Nobility, but also of personal responsibility; she had to learn as much self-defense and science as etiquette, statecraft, and woodcarving, although she was not terribly adept at all of the material to which she was subjected. She never had the sort of trouble her father had as a youth---partly because his protectiveness of his family was both well-known and fully understood by the Nobility, and because they had seen where the alternative had led them over the last millennium---although she, too, had to learn to restrain herself. After seriously hurting a friend while playing too roughly (even as a small child, Arashi was already physically stronger than many adults), Arashi vowed never to let it happen again, and the memory has stuck with her ever since.

However, as she grew older, Arashi became increasingly restless. She had always been of passionate spirits, and although she had restrained herself for the sake of decorum to make her parents happy, making quite an actress of herself for the purpose, the strain of a characteristically overenthusiastic and hyperemotional teenager forcing herself to play the part of the Sweet Princess began to grate on her nerves. Therefore, when the need arose for a new envoy to Imaginos, Arashi jumped at the chance, and convinced her parents and the Court to send her on the mission, eager for some autonomy and time out from under her parents' watchful eyes, as well as the opportunity to fight for justice and heroism with her own hands---at least, according to her colorful idea of what life in the Solar System is like, based on her parents' stories.


Posts : 9
Join date : 2009-07-18

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