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Ali Asra'la

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Ali Asra'la Empty Ali Asra'la

Post by Great_Mazinger Tue Aug 24, 2010 12:21 pm

IRC Nickname: Sparda

Character Name: Ali Asra'la
Original Dimension: TOR

Race: Ganymedian
Age: 31
Sex: Male
Height: 6'
Weight: 175lbs
Likes: Battlefields, short quiet times between sorties.
Dislikes: Homosexuals, cowards.

Physical Description (Or picture):
A picture is coming!
Ali usually wears practical and functional clothing, the kind that is silent and suitable in all situations. He has a few spare outfits for more specific outings (high society, business meetings, casual encounters) but generally wears practical, comfortable clothes as stated. He often wears a hood due to his time in the desert, though he has been known to wear a turban or a face scarf when appropriate. His gear is piecemeal but perfectly practical and functional.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Ganymedian Alchemy: Ali has practiced the art of Alchemy, and makes a practice of collecting enemy and friendly dogtags to mask the fact that they are in fact, the compenent material for his hidden knife.
Assassin Training: Ali is a trained assassin, a member of the Ganymedian Sect known as the Black Hand. As such, he has high level infiltration and sneaking skills, and knows the best ways to kill a man silently and with concealed weapons.
Military Training: Ali's father was a Ganymedian Captain and insisted his son receive full military training for most of his life. As such, Ali has learned to use firearms, is familiar with protocol and the chain of command, and can pass as a perfect military officer.

Physical Skills:
*Alertness: Excellent. Hours trained in combat and meditation has honed his instincts very well.
*Athletics: Excellent. Assassinations often require deft movements and agility.
*Stealth: Amazing. Assassin training focusses mostly on this.
*Firearms: Very Good. Military training-grade, added to his own exceptional reflexes.
**Sniper Rifles: Amazing. Nothing better for long range assassinations.
*Close Quarters Combat: Excellent. One of the primary skills of the assassin is being able to get close and deliver the killing blow.
**Melee Combat: Amazing. Blades, katars, and garottes are the primary weapons of the assassins.

Social Skills:
*Subterfuge: Amazing. Ali can convince people he's a sadistic bloodthirsty killer and a worthwhile investment at once, and all as a cover.
*Streetwise: Very Good. He's spent enough time to be connected with the right.. or wrong.. people.
*Intimidation: Excellent. Ali knows how to kill, has seen and inflicted hell, and knows how to let that show.
*Leadership: Good. He makes an okay backup or second in command, due to a keen strategic mind.
**Tactics: Very Good. His training has made him very clever at ambushes, siege tactics and general squad strategy.

Mental Skills:
*Computers: Good. Ali knows how to get general information out of battlefield operative PDAs.
*Investigation: Very Good. Learning how to find clues is the best way to hide them.
*Medicine: Novice. Ali can do first aid on himself, but mostly he's learned to know where the nerve and blood vessel clusters are, like a surgeon.

Other Skills:
*Driving: Good. Knowing how to use a vehicle helps escape or get a good alibi.
*Survival: Excellent. The harsh deserts of Ganymede are perfect for ambushes and survival training.

Weapons and Gear:
*Assassin's Dagger: Hidden, wrist mounted blade that pops up with a flick of the wrist, so as to make quick and decisive single-hit kill strikes, aimed for vitals, the throat, anywhere. The knife also retracts or gets launched instantly with another flick of the wrist, so as to get rid of it in case he gets caught or suspected.
*Dog Tag Collection: Ali collects dogtags off dead soldiers as a hobby, and usually keeps them on himself on the battlefield, just so people know what they're getting into. Also, and the REAL reason, is that he can form them into an assassin's blade and back to their component parts in a very short motion.
*Personal Battle Gear: Mishmash of various pieces of armour and weaponry found in and around the battlfields of Ganymede. As a dog of war, Ali has seen several conflicts and usually keeps whatever gear he's allowed to when his contract is over, though isn't especially attached to any of them. This is mostly to keep him safe in case of sudden combat.
*Ganymedian Assault Rifle, customized.

Dark Secret - Black Hand Member: Ali keeps his allegiance to the Black Hand a secret, since if it were found out he'd have a very hard time pulling off stealthy assassinations.. or keeping his bodycount high. This is also why he left the military.
Sadist: While Ali is very much in control of himself, he's quite sadistic and doesn't take well to letting his enemies live. He's not much of a threat to his allies, but unless under direct orders not to kill, he'll usually kill.

Ali was born the first of his family, with a younger sister who's birth killed their mother. Their father was a former captain in the Ganymedian military, and he expected Ali to follow into his footsteps, so he started training the boy in military protocols and techniques early on. Between his studies, having to take care of his sister and the military lifestyle his father was imposing on him, Ali decided to make his own way in life, and when he was old enough to, he left to join the Black Hand. His training as a soldier from an elite officer made him a perfect canditate, as did his absolutely callous disregard for human life that wasn't his or his family's. He underwent the training at the Temple of the Black Hand, making a few years as a Skete before being promoted to work alone, where he began making his life as a dog of war, going from battlefield to battlefield and working for the highest bidder, while performing undercover operations for the Black Hand. He has committed quite a few crimes both on and off the battlefield, and has recently sought out his sister, to see if she was involved in any activity he could be included in. When he found out about her military service, he was irritated and has made it a point to try to get her to stop acting like a boy.. because that's as good a cover as any.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-01-07

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