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Robert Gardner App

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Robert Gardner App Empty Robert Gardner App

Post by Dimz Wed Aug 18, 2010 10:08 pm

* Name: Robert Gardner
* Age: 35
* Sex: Male
* Origin: Commonwealth of Gaia
* Birthday: August 1
* Specialty: Radiation Research and Engineering

* Physical Stats
o Height: 5'8
o Weight:
o Eyes: Green
o Hair: Brown
o Special:

A fairly normal, thin man for his age. Only striking thing is his eyes which almost GLOW with obsession. Usually wears his research clothes. He's got an unfriendly air about him.


The Gardner family passed a tale down among themselves about one of their ancestors. A simple farmer who discovered a crashed meteor on his lands. The meteor was an indescribable color and radiated a horrible power. This strange color out of space brought life, death, disease, wisdom and terror. The entire country side was burned and ravage before the color simply faded away.

For unknown reasons Robert developed a strange obsession with this tale and trained hard to become a great scientist in hopes of joining the fleets in space. His goal is to find this unknown color out of space, believing that it holds the key to reality itself. With this color..this power Robert was certain he could overcome death, life, fear, disease and weakness. It would be the greatest gift to the universe..or his alone.

Needless to say Robert's family finds his obsession disturbing and it wasn't long before he lost touch. None the less he threw himself into his work in order to become the best...knowing the color was out there.


Physical Skills:

* Alertness Very Good
* Athletics Normal
* Stealth Abysmal

Social Skills:

* Subterfuge: Good
* Streetwise Abysmal
* Intimidation Very Good
* Leadership Normal
* Expression Very Good
* Etiquette Excellent. Excellent

Mental Skills:

* Computers Amazing
* Investigation Amazing
* Medicine Normal
* Science Amazing
* Radiation Research Incredible

Other Skills:

* Driving Very Good
* Survival Very Good
* Empathy Abysmal


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-08-18

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