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Nabeela Pan Bala

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Nabeela Pan Bala Empty Nabeela Pan Bala

Post by Iliili Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:06 pm

IRC Nickname: Iliili

Character Name: Nabeela Panditaradhyula Balasubrahmanyam
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Human
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 103 lb
Likes: Nabeela likes to find ways into places and be involved in things. She likes to make people happy, and she loves to be praised for these attempts. She's very easy to please.

Dislikes: Nabeela dislikes almost all forms of violence and cruelty, she hates feeling useless and unwanted, but most of all, she hates cold temperatures.

Physical Description (Or picture):

Putting it simply, Nabeela is a fast, lithe young woman possessing the springy sort of posture and gait one achieves through rigorous living and sparse eating. She has a pretty, if simple complexion of dark brown skin matching her eyes, long black hair worn the style of a simple braid maintaining a smooth contour with her head. She wears flowing white garments that are light, layered and loose fitting. Air space between the garments and the body provide insulation, while a series of drawstrings offer cinching along the arms, legs and waist. The design of the clothes is both functional and fashionable.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Thermoregulation - Nabeela possesses a high tolerance and regulatory flow for heat, comfortably acclimated to hot, arid environments.

Locksport - Raised among a society of machinists and inventors, Nabeela utilized her mechanical education to learn all she could about bypassing locks, thriving on the challenge and excitement.

Gymnastic contortionist - Nabeela has trained her body dutifully as a dancer and performer. She encompasses swiftness, remarkable flexibility and grace.

Enjoy the Unknown - While most would fear what they cannot understand or perceive, Nabeela's enthusiastic and positive approach towards elements of the unknown is backed by her strong spirit, emotional coping and her desire to learn and know.

Weapons and Gear:

- Lock picking tools, mechanical & electronic
- VOSSRA hardsuit w/ full-faced helmet
- Trauma kit
- Aegis handgun


Thermoception - Nabeela's acclimation towards high heat renders her susceptible to cold temperatures and vulnerable to corresponding health conditions.

Curiosity - While Nabeela's inquisitive and curious nature lends to her motivation, it can often lead her astray and cause her to sidetrack, overthink or miss the obvious.

Impulsivity - While she can be precocious and cautious as the situation warrants, Nabeela is accustomed to acting on the spur of the moment, or at the bequest of others, without adequate forethought as to the consequences of her actions.

Obsequiously Subservient - Nabeela was born into a lifestyle demanding a very large degree of domestic obedience. In order to cope with the magnitude of the task, she developed a satisfaction of servitude and as a result she tends to voluntarily yield to the will of others.


Early life

Nabeela was born Nabeela Panditaradhyula Balasubrahmanyam in Khali, Ganymede, June 23rd, 3123. She was home-schooled with lessons of prayer and devotion by her parents and taught to dance with heart and spirit, but age yielded to her tremendous curiosity as Nabeela spent considerable time exploring away from home learning things on her own, gleaming knowledge with wisdom beyond her years.


Nabeela's curiosity began to lead her across great distances beyond the desert. She had combed the sands of Ganymede since upbringing, picked through the corpses of derelict star ships and explored secrets lost to nature and forgotten by time. In a short time span before her role as a scavenger was official, Nabeela began to take things she found back with her and gave them to those who needed it most, who in turn would offer to feed and offer her more to learn. To date, she has accomplished 27 successful extractions, bringing back worthy materials and wealth to her community.

Last edited by Iliili on Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:22 pm; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : fix)


Posts : 2
Join date : 2010-08-10

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