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Leticia de Papel (Rewritten)

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Leticia de Papel (Rewritten) Empty Leticia de Papel (Rewritten)

Post by Scott Pilgrim Wed Aug 04, 2010 12:48 am

Name: Leticia de Papel

Age: 26

Sex: Female

Race: Callistan (Meta-Human)

Place of Birth: Europan

Dimension: Dimension 010

Hobbies: Reading books of various types, listening to music and playing the flute.

Likes: Quiet and warm places to relax, where she can listen to music or be left to her own thoughts.

Dislikes: Cowardly and idiotic people.

Physical Stats:
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 174 Lbs
Eyes: Silver-Gray (And sometimes emerald! Details below.)
Hair: Dark Pink


Leticia de Papel (Rewritten) Leticia
This image isn't accurate to her outfit, but mostly her overall appearance.

She has a very tall build, and is well curved and muscled for her body. She has some muscle showing, but not enough to really warrant being called a body builder. Her chest area is a little... overqualified in it's size, much to her disdain. Her hair is a long dark pink, that reaches beyond her rear, and she usually has some sort of braid design through her hair in one shape or form. She wears glasses over her dull silver-gray eyes, though they look mostly like reading glasses.

Her clothing is reminiscent of that of a knight, of a slightly noble standing, though more casual in design. She wears long boots that go a little above her knees, and long gloves that match in color and texture. Over her outfit she wears a cloak, though she does not adorn it when she is out on a mission, as she has to sometimes equip different types of equipment and such for her profession. At her side at all times are a set of dual pistols as well as a rapier.

Special Attribute(s): Skills:
She has many skills, and is a sort of jack of all trades woman.

Swordsman & Melee Fighter: She has considerable skill at hand to hand and sword base combat. Her father taught her all she knows, though she did not learn everything she could from him. Her hand to hand combat is based on direct damage in breaking bones and destroying muscle. (On a side note, she also knows how to use handguns or rifles of various types.)

Pilot: She has her own avatar mecha she uses, though she's most likely to be a backup, as she is not skilled enough to be in the front lines.

Field Medic/Nurse: She learned to be a doctor from her mother, though she has not completed her training/schooling. She is capable of doing patch up work and medical care on a medium level, but very in depth surgeory and treatment is a little beyond her, though she is more than capable of assisting a full fledged doctor in such work.


Precognition: She has the slight ability of precognition. She can see a few seconds into the future, and sometimes not even that far. It is only enough to give her an edge in combat against oppoents she would otherwise have difficulty with. Her eyes turn a deep and noticeable emerald when this power activates. It also sometimes will activate like a sort of spider sense, but not always. She has not mastered her own special ability.


Prone to anger, and having a bit of a superiority complex over others. She is actually a little weak willed on the inside, but tries hiding that by putting on a brave face. As for her special ability, she can only use it so often before she receives a massive migraine that will otherwise hinder her.


She was raised by two loving parents with a younger sister and older brother. When she was young, she had bit of an issue in learning things, and felt she was inferior to other people. Only after she reached a certain age in her early teens did she finally snap and begin improving herself. Her family, being only half-nobility, made her feel that she had to work twice, if not three times more, to prove herself worthy of calling herself a Callistan.

She trained under a special tutor for her ability to fight, before her father took over for her. Mid-way though her training to become a knight of a sort, she decided to follow her mother's way and become a doctor. She began balacing the training so she could improve in both fields, as her sister didn't seem ambitious, and her brother turned out to be a bit touched in the head.
With her sister being more successful than her, and her brother not being so bright, she wanted to prove she was a worthwhile family member.

This caused her to work on being an official medic, not just a training one under her mother. She ended up looking for an actual assignment that would take her off Europan so she can learn hands on... and that's where we're left at now.

Items of Note:

Mech: Her mecha is specially designed for her fighting style, with a full metal blade that slides out of the right arm, as well as dual weildable energy pistols. Her preferred style with it is to melee, using the oversized sword to directly slash at the enemy units.

Rapier: She has a sword that was given to her by her father that she keeps with her at all times.
Dual .45 Calibur Handguns: She has these with her at all times as well, on belts where they're clipped to her hips.

Medical Field Kit: This kit takes on different shapes and sizes depending on the type of mission she would be needed on, from a back pack deal to something that could be attached to her gun belts.

Scott Pilgrim

Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-15

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