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Shivani Naik

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Shivani Naik Empty Shivani Naik

Post by Azriel Tue Aug 03, 2010 2:35 am

IRC Nickname: Azriel, Kanna

Character Name: Shivani Naik
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Human
Origin: Shangri-La, North America
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Occupation: Ex-Professional model/Bodyguard
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 128 lbs.
Likes: Aromatherapy, spiced tea, exotic perfumes, fashion, jewelry, and flirting.
Dislikes: Extreme cold, vulgar/distasteful men, cheap stores, obscene fashion, and being mistaken for being a Callistan.
Fav. Food: Mango Stir-fry

Physical Description:
Shivani is quite a sight to behold and has a unique appearance compared to the usual faces you find around the Arcady area. She has the light, warm caramel skin of a Callistan woman, yet does not share the same bloodline and is from an entirely different culture of her own. Her eyes are a light violet hue, although many cannot tell for certain whether they are her natural eye color or contacts, she never clarifies when asked. To compliment her eyes, she has medium length, wavy locks of jet black curls twisting at the ends of the strands worn in many different styles from a fashionable ponytail, to a bun held by pins or flowers.

It is also not uncommon to find Shivani wearing distinct, bright, and otherwise flashy or glittery make-up, especially around the eyes with eyeshadow ranging from vibrant to metallic or smokey. Aside from her face, she sports subtle curves given generously across her well-toned body from many years of modeling. Apart from this, Shivani also has a taste for fine jewerly and will indulge her wrists with various bangles and her ears with decorative and exotic looking earrings.

A few of her most notable traits, however, would have to be the distinctive tribal designs tattooed onto her upper arms in bands with Henna as well as a small, red dot in the middle of her forehead. A prominent mark that has significance to her heritage.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Feminine Charms - Shivani was built by her modeling career and agents to become an outstanding piece of perfection, art, and the ultimate desire of men in the system. It's not uncanny for a woman of her standards to use those good looks and attractive body to get what she wants. This can prove helpful in attracting certain male targets unsuspecting of her and luring them into a false sense of security to either trap, gain information from, or just lure away as an distraction.

Connections - Shivani has been around for quite some time as a professional model of the galaxy, so it's not unusual for her to create certain contacts with different bodies from across the system. These fellow connections of her's can help a situation a great deal depending on the type of scenario it is or a determined location. It is also quite easy for her to relay messages across large distances or discover certain news by using these contacts.

Weapons and Gear:
- Standard civilian clothing
- Fashionable jewerly
- All-purpose utility belt pouch
- "Deva" - Customized plasma scythe


Popularity - Despite all the glamor and glory of being an ex-professional model, there are also its cons as well. Since Shivani was at the peak of her stardom and loved by most of the public eye, she became quite an idol in her own right. This can pose a problem in times when she must remain undetected and a possible fan may catch her face at the right angle and cause a scene. This can also mean the same for the paparazzi as well.

Not Professionally Trained - Shivani, as hard as she tries, is not a professionally trained soldier. She has mostly been self-teaching herself the basics of combat since she started into her current job as becoming a bodyguard of sorts for others who need one at the drop of a hat. Her stance could use some work and there are some flaws that need correcting. If anything, she is amateurish at best and can still be bested by anyone much more knowledgeable than her at the art of fighting.

Technology Illiterate - Now, while she knows most of the basic functions for a data pad or standard computer-based terminal, she's not a genius and doesn't claim to be one. She can only do so much with technology before it outright confuses and irritates her.

Shivani, before her stardom as a famous professional model, actually had quite a normal childhood growing up. Her father was a prominent businessman of the Commonwealth politics and her mother was an award-winning pianist. She lived quite securely and comfortably in her family's estate at a young age, constantly entertained by her servants and always tagging along to her mother's live concerts in grand music halls and opera houses. By the time she reached the age of 12, Shivani started to take lessons in ballet, gymnastics, freestyle dancing, and cheer-leading. Her mother always felt that a girl needed her hobbies and if that is what her made her happy, well the more the better. Despite the constant multitasking with her schoolwork and extra-curricular activities, Shivani's parents supported and praised her so long as she kept her grades up.

This constant daily schedule of all work and no friends kept Shivani going until she finally reached the age of 16 when she finally enrolled herself into a modeling agency. Shivani was confident that this is what she wanted and assured her parents that this is the path she must take. It didn't take too long for her career to soar at that point and became exceptionally good at posing for the camera, she loved the attention, she was drawn to it in every way a bee is drawn to a flower. It called for her and she called for it. The spotlight never left her once she came home from the agency either. Photographers were constantly after her and she became the most popular girl in high school. It even got to the point that her parents needed to start hiring bodyguards for her. With such a bright childhood, it gave her a bright future and she worked her way up all the way to the top. At the age of 19, Shivani joined one of the most prominent and most desired to work with modeling agencies in the system led by the famous modeler herself, Alexis Crowning. During that time, Alexis became Shivani's idol, her tutor, and the person she most inspired to become. She even went as far as taking lessons in French and Italian to broaden her languages.

However, despite her growing fan-base and path to ultimate popularity and wealth, one day, Shivani just left the business stating that lately, she just grew bored and needed a break for a while. Now, this left everyone in quite a state of shock, even her fans and raised many questions around the system. Shivani withheld all answers to them and separated herself from Gaia by moving to a place that hardly knew her stardom and if there were any, they were few in number. Her last line stating, "It was fun, but a girl can only pose on a couch one so many times...Ciao, baby!"

Posts : 7
Join date : 2009-07-21
Age : 36
Location : Uniontown, PA

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