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Lieutenant Zaeria von Richtofen

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Lieutenant Zaeria von Richtofen Empty Lieutenant Zaeria von Richtofen

Post by Tony Fri Jul 30, 2010 2:53 am

IRC Nickname: Rufus

Character Name: Zaeria von Richtofen
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Metahuman
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 135 lbs
Likes: Action, compliance, sports, shopping.
Dislikes: Bickering, tomatos, spiders, self-depreciation.

Physical Description (Or picture):

Zaeria is a slender girl with shoulder-length, bright blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that she wears in an almost constantly narrowed state, scrutinizing everything that she looks at. She has narrow shoulders but strong arms, with a modest bust, a tapered midsection and matured hips. She has strong, long legs -- her proudest physical aspect -- and a straight posture.

Lieutenant Zaeria von Richtofen 34grhfq

Von Richtofen's clothes can vary wildly in her attempts to blend into an environment, but her combat uniform is a modified Ministry of Defense uniform, dark grey in color with her rank on both shoulders and a Ministry of Defense armband on her left arm. The jacket is tailored long to reach down to her knees, and when wearing her entire uniform, the slacks are a matching color and she wears black flats. However, when in actual combat, she is forced to wear considerably less clothing, resorting to her jacket and underarmor over a simple pair of very, very tight spandex mini-shorts, to allow her Striker Unit to have full connection to her legs.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Telescopic Vision (Natural) - As a Metahuman by nature, Zaeria has a unique visual field and an uncanny ability to use them. While she possesses no natural type of wide-spectrum synesthesia or other types of vision naturally, she is able to zoom and focus her vision at unusual intervals, allowing her to note details that others would normally not, as well as see exponentially further than others.

Cyberbrain (Artificial) - A small computer built specifically to function as a permanent addition to von Richtoften's brain, this computing unit allows for the storage of electronic data that can be referenced and viewed using neural implants. This Cyberbrain contains multitudes of data regarding Geo-Def intelligence; while it does not contain, say, names and locations of special Commonwealth people, research data, et cetera, it contains a database and encyclopedia of various things that has been discovered by Geo-Def, such as weapons, equipment, people, tools, places, and other non-sensitive information.

* Heads-Up Display (Artificial) - An augmentation to her natural Metahuman telescopic vision, von Richtofen's vision field has been augmented heavily by cybernetics, including a faux lens in front of her left eye that displays a heads-up display much like an AVATAR unit uses. It can display altitude, speed, a horizon line, heading, turn/bank and slip/skid indicators, as well as flight path vector, acceleration and g-forces, an angle of attack indicator, navigation data and symbols, target designation including closing velocity with target and range, a Launch Acceptability Region for weapon use, as well as weapon seeker or sensor line of sight and status of carried, connected weapons.

* Cyberbrain Connection (Artificial) - Using very specific connection cables and a jack in the back of the base of her neck, von Richtofen is able to connect her Cyberbrain to another computer system allowing her to process data with both her natural brain and her Cyberbrain, such as reading and downloading simultaneously. She is also able to connect these to electronically-augmented weapons and targetting systems, which will allow her to see through them with her H.U.D. rather than having to use the weapon's own targetting system, much like a pilot using wing-mounted weapons.

* Full Integration (Artificial) - The Cyberbrain also allows for von Richtofen to connect her Cyberbrain to the control units in mechanized infantry units, in addition to the neural connections that AVATAR units provide, allowing for a higher level of connection to an AVATAR unit. Due to its electronic nature, the Cyberbrain is better able to compute and handle the amount of raw data that the neural processors in standard AVATAR units' are forced to taper down for the human brain.

Spiritual Familiar (Natural) - Von Richtofen's spirit, thanks to the help of a Gaian Spiritual Counsellor, is attuned to that of an animal spirit that is able to boost and help control her magical energies. Von Richtofen's Familiar is the Eagle. As such, when Von Richtofen begins to use spiritual power in any form, a set of brilliant, black feathers manifest on each side of her head over her ears, and a wider, longer set of similarly colored feathers from her backside in the form of an eagle's tail feathers.

Weapons and Gear:

Gaian Ministry of Geospatial Intelligence and Defense ME-262C-Type Striker Unit - A set of leg-locking spiritual amplification engines, the ME-262C-Type Striker Unit is a crimson red pair of turbine-shaped leg-worn armor pieces. Developed by Geo-Def in the Belt Colonies in 3148 after the loss of Francesca Gabreski and her P-47-Type Striker Unit, the ME-262 was engineered to be bigger, better, faster, and stronger than the original P-47 engine, using data from Gabreski's P-47 recorded by the Imaginos Space Force. With the ISF's Project SW researchers pressed to assist Geo-Def's own, the ME-262 was developed as a 'Jet Striker,' which allows for faster movement and fly-by-wire control never before available. The ME-262 Striker Unit allows for von Richtofen's spiritual energy to be bolstered exponentially and manifested in several special ways.

* Flight - Using the specially developed Manadrive system onboard the Striker Unit, spiritual energy is used similar to combustion-based fuel inside of the Striker Unit's engine, allowing for Mach 1-level travel through the atmosphere.

* Shielding - Spiritual energy is bolstered by the Manadrive inside of the Striker Unit and projected outwardly in a uni-directional direct-energy siheld able to disintegrate small arms fire and dissolve low-to-medium powere direct-energy weaponry.

* Super Strength - When wearing the Striker Unit, von Richtofen's natural strength is augmented by the onboard Manadrive that channels her spiritual energy in a constant cycle between her body and the leg-mounted unit, allowing for her to carry excessive weights, including a ton comfortably, up to a safety strain weight of 1.5 tons and a desperate weight of two tons.


Sensitive to EMP - Due to her cybernetic implants, von Richtofen is susceptible to electromagnetic energy. While her implants are, naturally, shielded against such energy, the heavy integration into her body prevents full insulation; EMP bursts or direct EMP application will cause her cybernetics to go "on the fritz" and malfunction, and has the potential to severely damage or outright destroy her Cyberbrain or her implants.

Challenged Beliefs - After being raised in such an indoctrinated, near-brainwashed way, von Richtofen's sudden discovery of the falsehoods of the Commonwealth have left her in a bit of mental shock and doubt. She has lost faith in what she took to be 'the truth' and is skeptical about nearly anything now. Her only true allegiance is to her vision of what she wanted the Commonwealth to be -- to be the benevolent force in the System that she believed it to be rather than the corrupt one that she has discovered it to be. While she has vowed to do whatever it takes to create this Gaia, her mentality has suffered to the point that she doubts it ever was that to begin with.

To The Letter - Due to her forced subservience during her military service under Geo-Def, von Richtofen is extremely obedient to the orders of a deemed superior. She will follow direct orders almost to the letter with unerring intent; if she is challenged, she will listen to reason, but will be quite stubborn to change her opinion of the orders she is given. This also has an effect on her social skills; she is passive, subservient, and quiet when in the presence of others with any form of "superiority." This is a vast difference from her natural personality, and it will take exposure to any other form of social interaction for this to change, though it will be slow and over a great deal of time.

Killer Instinct aka Trigger Happy - Another side effect of her forced service, von Richtofen does not have any hesitation to take lives in the name of a mission. This manifests itself in violence and an almost bloodthirsty-like attitude when in combat, as well as a nearly complete disregard for collateral damage. She does not look down on others who are unable to feel this way, but takes rather heavy offense when someone attempts to stop her from doing what she deems "necessary" for the sake of an objective.

Wanted - As a defected soldier from one of Geo-Def's most secret programs, von Richtofen is wanted by the Commonwealth and is to be executed on sight. However, due to the top-secret nature of her program and the sensitive anture of who she is and what she does, von Richtofen is only pursued by the highest echelons of Geo-Def rather than the entire Ministry of Defense, though this does include the Handicappers and the other Freak Squads.


Born in Armstrong City, Luna, but raised in the Shangri-La Metropolitan Complex in North America on Earth to an electronics specialist and a housewife, both of Germanic descent, von Richtofen was raised rather strictly but provided for very well. Inside of the bustling megalopolis of Shangri-La, von Richtofen attended standard Commonwealth education until the First Dimensional War broke out in 3131. With the destruction of Mars at the hand of the Macrocosmic Concern and the following invasion of the Concern and the Skylark of Space, von Richtofen's parents were both forced into the prompt militarization of the Commonwealth of Great Gaia, with her father being pulled into the Geospatial Intelligence and Defense and her mother being drawn into the Peacekeeper Corps's medical division. Left in the care of a Commonwealth child care unit that eventually became a prime orphanage for the children whose parents were lost in the War, von Richtofen was instead raised from four to sixteen inside of this complex, where she was bombarded with Commonwealth propaganda and indoctrination. After the end of the First Interdimensional War, the period of tense back-and-forth scares about the threat of the Jovian Satellite Alliance's warmongering with the Macrocosmic Concern were continually fanned and warped by Geo-Def's Sotirios Economaki, who was a figurehead of von Richtofen's childhood. With the coming of the Second Interdimensional War and Economaki's threats turned real, her justification for respect for the man soared, and when the propaganda feeds that displayed Economaki's speeches that dismissed the System Alliance and the declaration of the Territory Reclamation and Collectivization Act hit, they were nearly memorized word-for-word by von Richtofen and taken to be the truth.

When faced with the proposition of choosing a career, joining the Commonwealth's Ministry of Defense seemed obvious. It was only there, during one of the MoD's examinations, that von Richtofen's Metahuman genes were detected. Thrust into rigorous examinations to determine the nature of her meta gift, it wasn't until a simple visual test that her first meta vision was discovered. Following that, being forced through a gamut of other tests discovered her special attunement to spiritual energy contained within herself and the environment, but also discovered that while the connection was strong, the power was rather weak. Dismissing it as something that would not prove beneficial to Geo-Def research, von Richtofen was drafted into the Ministry of Defense's AVATAR pilot program.

Training in the AVATAR units was rough for von Richtofen, as it was only secondary to the basic and advanced combat training that she was required to go through simultaneously. Interfacing with AVATAR units came naturally to her thanks to the augmented and virtual reality simulated video games that she played in Shangri-La, and her development in both combat training and AVATAR training passively developed her now-useful telescopic vision, which allowed her to become an expert marksman with mnimal effort, as well as an excellent scout. Her AVATAR piloting was nothing specialized, however; she was simply able to attack at longer ranges, since AVATAR combat was mostly face-to-face unlike modern land-based combat.

With the complete surrender of the Imaginos and the Imaginos Space Force to the Peacekeepers in 3147 after a series of small skirmishes that remained in the Belt Colonies, the Commonwealth's Geo-Def researchers began to unearth groundbreaking research inside of the Imaginos's laboratories: "Project SW" as it was called. Project SW, a technology-based endeavour, sought to use another dimension's "Manadrive" technology to amplify existing metahuman spiritual power, and using the notes and research provided by the researchers and the test data gained from Lieutenant Francesca Gabreski, the Project's Test Pilot, the Geo-Def sought to use this as a counter to the strange and exotic technologies that lie in the Outer Planets.

The next candidate for testing was easy to choose: then-Cadet von Richtofen was pulled from her previous assignment and taken by Geo-Def to participate in their new version of Project SW: the Lilium Project. Using Imaginos's own R&D scientists along with Geo-Def experiences from the Harbinger Project and specialists from the Evening Star Corporation, the Lilium Project was able to both reproduce and augment the original P-47-Type Striker Unit used by Lieutenant Gabreski in little less than two years.

Meanwhile, after Cadet von Richtofen's selection for the Project, she was put into the Geo-Def's reeducation and allegiance programs, promoted to Lieutenant, and coerced by promises by her Commanders into allowing Geo-Def to cybernetically augment her body. Beginning with the simple addition of a HUD unit to her vision, Lieutenant von Richtofen was given subsequently more and more additions, culminating in the addition of a beta-type Cyberbrain into the base of her brain stem just above the base of her neck. Feeling less and less human as the months passed, Lieutenant van Richtofen never once doubted her reasoning for undergoing this extensive and unbearingly painful process of adjustment and indoctrination. By the time the Striker Unit was redesigned, so was its chosen pilot.

By the end of 3148 and the beginning of 3149, Lieutenant von Richtofen was testing the ME-262C-type Striker Unit in programmed and simulated environments, with a successful test flight on February 1, 3149. On February 8, the test pilot and her Striker Unit were once again reassigned: to Geo-Def's recently adopted 'Freak Squad' program for metahumans.

Another period of indoctrination and adjustment to the command structure of the Freak Squad gave von Richtofen yet another flotilla of reasons to believe in her new cause: the eradication of all threats to the Commonwealth of Gaia, the return of the Outer Planets to their mother Gaia, and the destruction of any who would stand in the way of those. Now armed with top-secret Geo-Def weaponry, the Striker Unit, a cause, and a new nom de guerre, "Der Rote Adler", von Richtofen was put on a continuous, rigorous schedule of training missions against ground, naval, space, and AVATAR forces to hone her combat skills to a razor edge -- however, none of that would prepare he for what she would discover next.

During a routine training operation outside of the Great Lakes Arcology in what used to be Canada, von Richtofen's Striker Unit malfunctioned and sent her careening into the snowfields below where she was fighting, stranding her for a time while forces were scrambled to recover her. In the meantime, von Richtofen spent time in the desolate snowy wasteland, only to find herself hunted by ... humans. Humans outside of the Arcologies, humans that had ... de-evolved, almost, succumbed to primal and feral behavior and activities and dress. Armed with only her sidearm, von Richtofen was forced to defend herself against what she would later learn were called 'Mowglis,' or humans left behind on Earth during the Great Hijra Era over a thousand years ago. After managing to drag her useless Striker Unit back to a safe area, von Richtofen was terribly shaken by what she had seen -- it was the first glimpse that she had into a lie of the Commonwealth, a centuries-spanning conspiracy to hide the existence of the Mowglis. This profound discovery impacted her severely, causing even her indoctrinated mind to be slightly broken and for her childhood to be challenged, as well as the sacrifices of her parents at the whim of one man: Sotirios Economaki.

After another couple of months of intense combat training, von Richtofen found her skepticism to be getting in the way of her duties, and finally "snapped". Stealing her Striker Unit from containment and escaping her Geo-Def complex on Earth via a hijacked shuttle, von Richtofen is able to escape the Commonwealth's space by using her still valid identification. It isn't long afterwards though that she finds herself cornered in the Belt Colonies, where she's forced to fight off another wave of would-be captors outside of Euler-LaGrange, Vesta. With a damaged Striker Unit and only her shuttle, von Richtofen is forced to retreat to Arcady, Pallas in secret in what she sees as a last-ditch effort to repair her AVATAR unit and escape to sanctuary inside the Jovian Satellite Alliance.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2010-04-29

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