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Yu`Melea Ver Razzen

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Yu`Melea Ver Razzen Empty Yu`Melea Ver Razzen

Post by Zr388 Sun Jul 25, 2010 2:58 am

IRC Nickname: ZR388

Character Name: Yu`Melea Ver Razzen

Original Dimension: 010

Race: Meta-Human

Age: 150

Sex: Female
Height: 4'10

Weight: 110

Likes: Humor, stories, mechanics, weapons
Dislikes: Being pestered while working, dogs, dark places

Physical Description (Or picture):

Yu`Melea Ver Razzen Rushjob

Powers and Special Abilities:

Gift of Strength: Even At Yu`Melea's height and weight she can lift over three times her own body weight, and she likes to show it off, especially with larger weapons and items which she has no problems picking up and using effectively.

Gift of Endurance: Long nights and week-long sessions of no sleep are easy for a perfectionist. As long as the girl can sleep for a full day afterwards she can finish most projects thrown at her within a 7-day period. This includes useful weapons, items, armor, and even learning and perfecting new abilities.

Gift of Sight: It doesn't do to have a weapons dealer be without knowledge of what is to come, and sometimes she can even see things into the future. This is an ability that she rarely if ever uses, and the future she sees can still be changed or wrong. It's all left up to chance.

Gift of Trust: Even characters that don't know Yu`Melea very well are drawn to trust her. She's a very diplomatic and neutral person. When she says something's going to be done, it will be… or so she says. If it's true or not… well most people are drawn to believe it anyway.

Weapons and Gear:

Tools of the Trade: A bag of useful tools and items that help with expert craftsmanship, and amazingly precise tune-ups to items that usually need a day or more to repair. These things are carried around on a belt that straps around the characters waist and weighs in at about fifty to a hundred pounds.

Semi-Automatic Gear Rifle: The first thing thought of when a young, perky girl is seen is not the huge gun that reaches from over her head to mid-thigh, but it doesn't stop it from being there. The gun has a detachable scope, and works on a fairly old, but still useful gear system that hardly jams or breaks down. Built by the carrier, it packs a punch.

Crystal of Ambition: An old crystal she found while working with traders of Titan. This item when in contact with both her and a target reveal information through her gift of sight. Without it, she can't use such things. Warning: Crystal may cause exhaustion, or things seen that shouldn't. You've been warned.


Money: Yu`Melea has a huge weakness for money. Growing up as a trader has taught her that if there's cash involved, she would do better to take an offer than to leave it behind.

Dark Places: Everyone's got a fear, and the dark is a dreadful place. It makes all things harder to see, harder to react to, and above all things the worst opponents come out at night. 


It's me again, sorry for writing so much lately, but I've just had so much on my mind I have to get a load off my back. I think if I go back into my past a little, I might find where the problem is. I know, silly, right? But it's the best shot I have at figuring things out. So here we go…

When I was younger things seemed so much easier. Dad owned a nice shop right at the edge of the colony, mom worked with trading, we were alright. My younger two sisters and older brother liked to pick on me but I think we were pretty much set. After Daraian picked up for mom after she died, business kept moving. It didn't help that Sinaara disappeared.. she said something about moving to another colony. So it was just me and the youngest, looking out for ourselves… and of course dad, but his part comes later.

I started getting used to things around his shop. Ranellae, or, as I called her Youn because she was the youngest, didn't really have much of an interest with mechanics. It's strange, growing up around all of these new things that she would be the one to not care for them. Twenty years came and went, dad disappeared and the shop was taken over by me, how exciting.

It was about fifty years later I found out he got into some bad business with some merchants and they 'guided' him out of the picture. Worst of luck.. but I was still there to oversee shop stuff so it wasn't so bad. After about seventy years of reflecting on it, it doesn't seem so bad.

So back on topic. It pretty much become just me working in this shop all the time. Of course we would have traders from other colonies coming in and looking around for weapons, but the big deals came from the ones that came from other worlds. I was always interested in that stuff, but it never really struck me to explore. I wanted to, boy did I want to leave, but leaving my dads old shop? That was against my values. So I became a sort of… well I don't even think I would call it a perfectionist in my work. Everything has its flaw, and I'm never satisfied with it, but it puts the food on the table.

The strangest thing though, a man from another colony came in, and said that he had no money, offered me a crystal for some weapons. Of course I wanted the money, but the crystal looked like it could fetch a pretty penny on the market, so I took it. The man took his guns, haven't seen him since. I tried selling it but… looks like that wasn't an option. Everyone around here seems scared of it, couldn't imagine why… it's just getting dusty in my shop.

Anyway, about three weeks ago, there was a huge rush for gear, weapons, and anything that anyone could get their hands on. I'm pretty sure the colonists stampeded my shop just to get a look. The worst part was they took me with everything. The shop had to be closed because even if I had the materials, they were just demanding too much. I'm only one girl, and let me tell you, business isn't getting any easier. I decided to let the other craftsmen around here get their stuff together, while I go search for at least one of my siblings. I could use some time off, but it hurts leaving the shop behind.

Maybe that's it, I'm scared of change. I don't even think that's a valid reasoning for things, but packing my stuff, leaving town, and sitting here on the grassy hilltop outside of the colony sure feels nice. I've got two legs, a bag of tools, and a mission, so I should go and get some sleep before it gets dark… after all the worst things come out in the dark.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-07-25

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