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Jacob "JD" Durrant

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Jacob "JD" Durrant Empty Jacob "JD" Durrant

Post by Hydra Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:52 pm

IRC Nickname: Hydra

Character Name: Jacob "JD" Durrant
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Human (From Imaginos via CoG)
Age: 29
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 195 pounds
Likes: Trying new things, guns (the more unique the better), technology in general, putting hot sauce onto pretty much everything, his job
Dislikes: Not having hot sauce, doing nothing, being stuck in a rut, Geo-Def

Physical Description (Or picture): Outside of his combat gear Jacob is an above average height man of very dark complexion and a well-toned athletic build, his hair kept extremely short, with a beard of the same length that's essentially just stubble. When not on duty he tends to opt for a t-shirt and jeans. In combat, he usually wears his I-Type LACCRA that he's reinforced with additional armor plates, as seen here:

Powers and Special Abilities: None. Jacob is a former member of the ISC and has received extensive combat training.

Weapons and Gear:

Modified LACCRA-I Body Armor: Durrant has a suit of modified armor that he uses in combat. The suit has additional reforced plating compared to a normal LACCRA-I (but still not equal to the protection offered by the GD series of armor) as well as a full helmet containing a rebreather and an Oculus.


Overly Enthusiastic: Jacob loves being a soldier, to the point where he doesn't always take into account the orders given and asking questions when they need to be asked, instead following them as presented.

Button-presser: Jacob is the naturally curious sort, which unfortunately works to his disadvantage, as unless ordered not to he'll feel a strong compulsion to explore areas he's not familiar with and touch things he shouldn't be touching.

Background: Jacob Durrant was born to two loving parents In Armstrong City in 3120. His father joined the Imaginos organization shortly after its founding, and his family thus relocated several times before ending up on Imaginos Station once it was fully settled. Once Jacob got out of school he applied for ISF, his natural love of technology leading him to want to become an Avatar pilot. Unfortunately for him, his test scores were such that he was unable to enter that branch of the service, ending up in the ISC instead. Not one to let a setback get him down, Jacob took to his assignment like a fish to water, greatly enjoying his time in the ISC until Geo-Def dissolved Imaginos and took control of the station. After that Jacob managed to slip out of Geo-Def's grasp and end up on Arcady, where he's been plying his trade as a hired hand, looking forward to the day that he'd get to set foot back in the place he called home.


Posts : 15
Join date : 2009-12-06

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