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Axel Demir

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Axel Demir Empty Axel Demir

Post by ShinWei Tue Jun 29, 2010 1:12 am

IRC Nickname: ShinWei

Character Name: Axel Demir
Original Dimension: 010

Race: Metahuman
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 242 lbs
Likes: heavy metal, motorcycles, climbing trees
Dislikes: crowds, gangs, easy listening music

Physical Description (Or picture):
Axel is a very muscular man. He has brown eyes and has chest-length black hair. He can usually be seen wearing black or dark grey jeans and a leather biker jacket.

Powers and Special Abilities:

Shapeshifting - General ability to transform himself from an average human male into a hybrid with feline tendencies, physical features, and attributes.

Marksman - Equipped with the basic knowledge, history, use, and control of specific firearms, especially pertaining to the use of rifles and other weaponry similar to them. In some cases, he is also doable with sniping rifles, but only uses them under the circumstances that they are specifically needed.

Feral Senses - With this ability, Axel is granted the basic enhancements that you would find in a typical housecat that only amplifies his human senses as well. Because of his genetic make-up as a feline, Axel's eyesight has become much more refined and focused. He is able to concentrate on targets from greater distances than the average human, and even has perfect vision at night. This also enhances his trait as a marksman and allows a higher chance at critical shots involving greater accuracy. Besides his eyesight, his sense of smell has also been enhanced to pick up trails and scents from farther distances as well, allowing him the ability of tracking opponents down.

Acrobatics - Due to his natural cat-like reflexes and mannerisms, Axel is able to get himself in and out of tight spots, literally. He has no trouble squeezing through the smallest leeway and has almost perfect balance on ledges and hightops because of an extra balance support such as his tail. In some cases, it has been known for him to land on all fours from a higher fall that would normally break a few bones, but in his case, it merely rumbles a couple bones and disperses the shock evenly throughout the body.

Enhanced Agility - Axel was born as a natural sprinter and it shows through his athleticism and muscular stature, however, his feline attributes only adds to it and improves his natural speed. In some situations, Axel is capable of displaying short bursts of speed while sprinting to get him clear from a dangerous situation or to close the distance. These enhancements also provide decent evasion skills much better than those of the average human.

Feral Combat - As a metahuman with feline prowess, its only natural for Axel to display overly long fingernails roughly defined into claws and elongated fangs in his mouth. Of course, they're not anywhere close to vampiric ones, but its enough to state business or scare off potentially weaker-minded opponents from getting too close to him. The claws are far more useful in close combat situations than the fangs of course, and he will only use his fangs in the most dire situations.

Weapons and Gear:
Axel carries a .30-06 rifle with him where ever he goes. He's taking whatever work he can get, trying to save his money for this bike (minus the girl).


Paranoia Complex - On behalf of certain traumatizing events within his life, Axel has developed psychological issues involving the trusting of others, especially on personal levels and in critical situations. Whether their intentions are good or bad, Axel finds it hard to develop or deepen bonds with people quickly and takes a while to fortify long-standing and trusting relationships.

Axel was a member of a biker gang known as Los Brutales for a few years. He was just an errand boy the entire time he was with the gang. One day when he was on an errand, he saw two members of his gang murder his best friend. Axel stared in horror, but that horror soon turned to rage, and he mauled the men to near-death. When he came down from his rage, he realized what he'd done, and got the hell out of there.

A few months later, Axel was leaving a diner when a group of men from the gang spotted him. He hopped on his bike and took off; the others chased after him. After several miles, Axel finally lost his pursuers and decided to leave Armstrong City for good. He left his bike behind and fled to Arcady, with the hope that he could start over. The Los Brutales have sworn to make him pay for trying to kill those men, and are still searching for him to this day.

Axel's currently trying to make a living on Acrady, taking any work he can get. As long as the pay is good, that's all that matters to him.


Posts : 1
Join date : 2010-06-27
Age : 34
Location : East Wenatchee, Washington

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