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Coraline Havenshire

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Coraline Havenshire Empty Coraline Havenshire

Post by Mainy Tue Jun 22, 2010 5:41 am

IRC Nickname: Mainy

Character Name: Coraline Havenshire
Original Dimension: ToR

Race: English
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 112lbs

Physical Description (Or picture): Cora is a petite girl, with bright, fiery red hair and ever changing colored eyes. Also, see picture.

Coraline Havenshire Coraclothes1Coraline Havenshire Coratatty1

Powers and Special Abilities: In the past, Cora would suffer from seizures and Epilepsy that would bring on visions of events yet to happen.

Weapons and Gear: Coraline carries a hand gun, and a set of knives that can be either used as long throwing knives, or for close combat.

Skills: Coraline is able to use small hand guns due to her current line of work requiring her to have knowledge of them, though she prefers the use of blades she keeps on her person.

Weaknesses: Cora's epileptic seizures can be extremly servere, depending on the severity of the vision that is occuring. Cora also hasn't had a vision in years.

Background: Coraline's childhood was plagued by tragedy, the difference being, she always knew the terrible events that would happen. Her earliest memory is a terrible feeling of drowning, of watching the surface of the water fade, watching the light flicker and dissapear into darkness, of her lungs burning, begging, pleading, screaming for air. She was four at this time, living with her family on the Satelite Ganymede and she was happy to be surrounded by such a large family. They were almost like a colony, 18 people that included grandparents on both her mother, and her father's side, great aunts and uncles, regular aunts and uncles, cousins, her mother, father and 3 brothers. The first death she 'witnessed' was her youngest cousin, a little girl who drowned in pond the family lived near. She remembered the whole family was on a tiny beach, haveing a wonderful day, and she was sitting near the shore, watching everyone in the water. She recalled a high pitch whine starting to drown out the voices of the people around her, before bright, multicolored lights blinded her vision. The lights would fade, replaced by the vision of water above her, but when she awoke, she would see her worried parents and brother standing above her, and the coppery taste of blood in her mouth. She wouldn't understand the dream till 2 weeks later, when the jovial events would be twisted into one of sorrow and horror as her cousin disapeared into the water, and did not resurface. Another, older cousin dove down for her, but by then it was too late, the girl was gone, and was unable to be revived. Coraline knew, even at that young age, that her vision had predicted the death of the other girl. One by one, similar episodes of tragedy would strike, effectively wiping out her family by the time she was 14. The last lives of her family to go was that of her mother and father. She watched in horror as, in a final, desperate, insane measure to regain some semblence of control over their fate, her father set their house, then her mother, then himself on fire. This... vision, however, had no sparkly lights, no high pitched whine, and no coppery taste of blood. Instead, she realized it wasn't a vision, but instead her fathers final act to rid the world of something he saw as a monster, something that didn't belong. She would now be bounced from orphanage to orphanage, but, with each of her "Prophetic" Seizures, she would quickly be moved, fear of what she could see easily felt by those around her. She soon learned that she could spare herself the hurt and scrutiny if she just kept her visions to herself, but, She couldn't live with the guilt of knowing she could have helped someone. When she was 19, however, she had such a violent, horrific vision, that the eplileptic episode that preceeded it caused her to thrash so hard that she put herself into a coma for 3 weeks. When she woke, she found herself without visions, and without the violent seizures that accompanied them. She deemed herself cured, and was deeply relieved. She enrolled for schooling, and found she had an incredable talent for numbers, but unfortunatly, was only able to find work with an unsavory group of people that was involved in organized crime. She wasn't aware of this fact at first, but, as it became more apparent, she attempted to distance herself from the group, only to be 'convinced' to return. For her disloyalty to the group, her first spiderweb scarring tattoo was put on her upper arm. She would manage to prove her disloyalty over and over again, in attempts to escape, or her unwillingness to participate in illegal activities, or her reluctance to lie to law enforcement. After years of this, she has realized she's run out of room for any more tattoos, and has heard whispers that her life is in danger.


Posts : 8
Join date : 2009-07-21

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