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Brian Luckfield

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Brian Luckfield Empty Brian Luckfield

Post by Forte Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:07 pm

IRC Nickname: Wall-E

Character Name: Brian Luckfield

Race: Male
Age: 55
Sex: Male
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 225

Physical Description (Or picture): Is a well built guy for someone his age, usually found wearign a labcoat over his normal clothes..and keeps a sword close by at all times. Bright blue eyes match his hair, though all beit the sideburns are slightly faded due to his age. His features are those of someone ten years younger than him, due to all teh well living and excercise he performs.

Powers and Special Abilities:
Psychodriver: Is a pretty powerful psychic, along with this comes the power of precognition, telepathy, empathy reading, and telekenesis.

JIgen-Ryu Master: Is well trained in swords and is a master of teh Jigen-Ryu style, focusing on powerful cleaving strikes and projectile deflection. He has further perfected this style by extending his skills in it with a simple scalpel

Medical Knowledge: Has achieved his top degree in medicine and medical science and is well knowledgable in all forms of medicine and desises that have passed through the imaginos station.

Weapons and Gear:

Katana: A katana that he has had since his early days of training. One that he has kept in perfect condition all these years. Its sharpness and cutting ability is next to none. The metal its self can coduct his psychic energy through it making it even more powerful.

Weaknesses: Being such a powerful psychic, he is very open to psychic attacks and being overwhelmed by a barrage of emotions.

Background: A former pilot in the Imaginos fleet, he hung up his wings and took on his second dream in life of beign a doctor. He focused all his training and experience into it to become a chief of medicine in the Imaginos station and eventually after 20 years making his way to beign part of the head of medical sciecnce board in Imaginos.


Posts : 5
Join date : 2009-07-17

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