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Ace Viper

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Ace Viper Empty Ace Viper

Post by Great_Mazinger Tue May 25, 2010 2:59 am

IRC Nickname: Sparda

Character Name: Ace.
Original Dimension: TheOneRPG.

Race: Ninja. Okay fine. Human.
Age: 40.
Sex: Male.
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 159lbs
Likes: Freedom, a good stiff drink.
Dislikes: Sweet foods, douchebags, pointless regulations.

Physical Description (Or picture):
Ace Viper AceViper

Powers and Special Abilities:
Art of the Fire Wheel: Ace can generate a barrier of flames around him,
which will be hot enough to melt projectiles that come for him as well as
burn anyone to get in close range combat with him. While he can run with
it, it becomes considerably less powerful, and starts to run out, but remaining
still he can keep it active for a long time.

Fire Resistance: Ace is capable of resisting intense heat to the point where
any attempt to burn or flame him will do minimal damage.

Weapons and Gear:
-Goggles: Do nothing.
-Cybernetics: Has robotic eyes that can change spectrum and run analysis on
all in his sight, also allowing him to visualise through walls and disguises.
Another setting will let him read body activity (to detect lying, etc).
Another still can help him see how to best hack security systems, and locks.
Another setting is long range vision.
He needs to change their functions as they do not do all of this at once, and
each switch requires a split second to readjust.
-Security Tools: Hacking gear, space lockpicks, space chaff, space climbing gear.
-Cybernetic Live-motion Optic Nerve Embezzler: Causes two copies of Ace to
appear, moving independantly of him, feeding false data to scanners, to prevent
him from being targetted without guesswork involved.
-Shock Gauntlets: Weaponized gauntlets, which release a shockwave on impact,
causing structural or internal organ damage, even with a light smack or slap.
-Throwing Knives, Caltrops, discs. All of which from space.

Cybernetic Eyes require a second or so to adapt to changes in settings, during
which time Ace is blind.

Spy, thief and rogue of the Skull Crusher gang.

Last edited by Great_Mazinger on Tue May 25, 2010 3:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Needed a pic)


Posts : 8
Join date : 2010-01-07

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