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Aki Empty Aki

Post by gubaba Sun May 16, 2010 1:27 am

IRC Nickname: Kagome

Character Name: Aki Hakenkreuz
Original Dimension: Dimension 010

Race: Meta-Human
Age: 25
Sex: Female
Height: 5'6
Weight: 125
Likes: Computers, Piloting, Planning, Cute guys (pretty boys), challenges
Dislikes: Mean people, bounty hunters that are after her.

Physical Description (Or picture):
I will have a pic done hopefully~!


Aki Aki-laptop
except older,

Powers and Special Abilities:

C-Genome: Ability to go into the C-Genome form.. in this form her hair turns black and
her eyes become golden. She also gets a tantalizing/majestic aura which would affect organic creatures (not robots) with something akin to 'Prescence' in VTM. There's two ways for Aki to be knocked out of her C-Genome state,
running out of mental-power, or being kissed (subconsciously when she was growing up with childhood stories of sleeping beauty and snow white.. she believes it works the same way for herself).

Telekinesis: In her C-genome form, One of the powers she can use is Telekiness..
this power for her is not too strong but it allows her to create force blasts that
can blow a hole in a wall. It also allows her to fly and move things with her
mind. This power takes focus and concentration though so if someone knocks punches
her in the head or something while she's flying, it will make her FALL.

Telepathy: Aki can also talk to others with her mind she can feel their emotions
if they're totally sticking them way out there, otherwise that's pretty much it
with what she can do.

Psychometry: Aki can touch an object and gain information about who last used the
object and what their thoughts and feelings were, she'd have to really really
concentrate for this power.

Precognition: Aki sometimes gets flashes of events that are about to happen (GM
can decide what those flashes are for story purposes if you want and stuff!). She
can get them through her dreams or even if she's walking through the hall..
however sometimes when this happen, Aki could mistake her witnessing event of the
future as a present thing and kinda act wierd from it. (Like if she's having
a flash of an invasion of aliens, she might go HOLY CRAP ALIENS..and dive into a
dumpster or something).

Weapons and Gear:

Just her laptop and the clothes on her back and some credits.


If she's kissed she falls out of C-genome mode and it would be a while until she can use it again.

Human form she's just human so she can get shot and stabbed and whatever and
bleed. She's very slender and athletic, not strong at all.. she can easily be overpowered by a bigger attacker in her regular state.

Paranoia: She's always thinking that the RAGNAROK division will come after her, so she's constantly erasing tracks and pretty worried about someone coming to get her. This could be exploited.


Being a war orphan before and after the destruction of Mars and having nowhere to go, Aki joined one of the many government programs instated for the children to be clothed, fed, and so on. The particular program that Aki was assigned to was hosted by the Evening Star corporation. However, unlucky for her and a few other war orphaned children, Aki was transported to one of the colonies in Venus and enrolled in the RAGNAROK program, a sub-division of Evening Star that was responsible for genetic experimentation to build the perfect soldier.. much like the Penance program. The difference was that RAGNAROK believed that with the not yet fully developed children, DNA grafting would be easier and more effective. These children were then labeled the C-Genomes.

Many of the children faced devastating mental effects from the stress and strain of the experimentation. Many developed 'split-personalities' just to cope with the after effects.. it was pretty normal for them. Aki, because of her previous experience growing up alone and survival instincts.. was able to cope with it better than many of the other children there.

One of the things the RAGNAROK division did not foresee was that with the enhancing of the children's mental and physical prowess, would help them somehow escape. Which is exactly what happened. A group of children, using their abilities of precognition and other elements were able to escape the Venus facility and hijack one of the shuttles. The shuttle was damaged and the children were floating in space for days.. aiming to head back to one of the local colonies for help. Food wasn't available but the biggest concern was air which was not enough to support all the children aboard....

When the shuttle finally landed on one of the local colonies the sole survivor of that ship was Aki. Aki was half-conscious, and barely alive.. but she was treated and at this point.. not trusting any government program or anyone else wanting to 'help' her like that.. she left on her own.

Always constantly moving in fear of the RAGNAROK division coming after her, she never stays in one place and is always changing identities. Her precognitive skills have undoubtedly aided her in staying out of their grasp this far.


Posts : 6
Join date : 2009-08-12
Location : earth

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